Tech IndustryMar 11, 2022

How do I get out of this hole?

I am a technical data product manager, and my prior skillset and background was in pure data engineering (I left that role 6 months ago). I do not like the TPM stuff and am hoping to make a move back into engineering, but I want to work on software side. The reason I left DE is because I don’t like writing data pipelines, and even the more SWE-like platform work started to get redundant. But I am realizing that my career will be more interesting and fulfilling to me if I make a switch to SWE, not to mention more earnings potential and career options. I am feeling lost and desperate for a change. Ultimate goal is to work at respectable tech company (doesn’t have to be faang). I am completely self taught and want to make a change so I stop kicking myself for not studying CS. My skillset: - Python (have not done full on production level OOP but I know how to structure apps and use classes effectively) - SQL - Airflow - Kafka (very basic) - AWS (S3, EMR, Lambda, IAM) - Pyspark - System design (with respect to data engineering) How should I go about pivoting into SWE skillset? Should I learn Java or stick to just Python? Should I just focus on Leetcode? I have never done a LC question let alone interview. What sort of SWE roles would be a good bridge for me? I am more interested in backend stuff than front end. Should I look into Georgia Tech OMSCS? YOE: 3.5 (3 as DE, 6months as TPM) #faang #career #pivot #swe #compensation #leetcode #engineering #software #swe

Change Healthcare POww55 Mar 11, 2022

What part about being a TPM do you not like?

Avant optimus55 OP Mar 11, 2022

Everything. I just want to code!

VMware T. Rolling Mar 11, 2022

Try for a SWE position at Amazon. Leetcode, System Design, LP

Avant optimus55 OP Mar 11, 2022

Would I need to learn a web framework for that? And should I stick to Python if I do go for this route?

VMware T. Rolling Mar 11, 2022

yeah generic python is fine. Python is great for leetcoding. You can also like companies who use python a lot like Affirm (?)