CompensationJun 13, 2019
Fox NewsHannityS

how much is too much?

YOE: 15 as java, includes 8 as android. TC: Base 150K, Rest 000 K. Location: NYC. so i see non-fang freshers at albertsons and walmart-labs, and verizon-media and jet getting paid TC $500K and $1MM in san-fran, and i wondered why not?? i went ahead and applied to some non-fang - wickr, doordash, fitbit, medidata, audible and a base of 180K is no-submission? recruiters don't want to submit my resume because HM will reject anyhow for asking such a high salary? should i ask to be paid in RSUs? food-stamps? probably, i should "pay" a base salary so i can get some food-stamps? how do you all young guys do it?

Oath Atinlay2 Jun 13, 2019


Fox News HannityS OP Jun 13, 2019

what's a good base compensation for 15 yoe java, includes 8 yoe android in non-fang, in nyc?

AMD QVgF00 Aug 22, 2019

Move out of NYC. Why are you there?

IBM dwt Jun 13, 2019

It all depends on your location. You need to be aware of that. $200K on east coast is decent-good. $200K in San Fran and you are living out of a cardboard box. HIGHLY depends on physical location and cost of living.

Rally Health FuPayMe$$$ Jun 13, 2019

200k in SF is pretty decent too. Nobody who makes 200k in SF lives out of a cardboard box. I save 50k in cash every year after maxing 401k, HSA and espp whilst making less than 200k TC.

IBM dwt Jun 13, 2019

Do you actually live in/near SF?

IBM dwt Jun 13, 2019

Also... $150k in NYC... that’s low (to me) for 15yoe java. I know pencil pusher PM/OM/and managers that make that in NYC.

Fox News HannityS OP Jun 13, 2019

I don't think you understood my post to begin with.

IBM dwt Jun 13, 2019

No I understand. I’m telling you I think 150 is too low for you and $180 is totally reasonable and not “too much”

ewTc57 Jun 13, 2019

With 15 yoe you can make more than 200k as base. With bonus, rsu you can make more than 450k tc. It depends upon how good you perform in the interviews. Ask yourself if you really want to chase for this or not. Most of the bay area companies are aware of how the market is and for youe experience they shouldn't reject the application if you ask more. Ignore the middle man and directly apply for the companies.

ewTc57 Jun 13, 2019

Not all companies pay so high. Most of the FAANG level companies do.

Fox News HannityS OP Jun 13, 2019

i had been thinking about this as well. i am a senior engineer by age and / or experience, and not so much by skills. all of my android experience is about taking ownership of someone else's code, cleaning it up, refactoring, duct-tape patch-fixing bugs, feature development on top of existing obsolete poorly built architectures and bad coding practices, coding styles. i am more than certain all senior engineers have very similar experience as i do. everybody on the other hand is looking for and want to hire only A+ engineers. i can't put together retrofit, moshi, rxjava, kotlin-coroutines, dagger, viewmodels, livedata, navigation, fragments - the full suite of components to complete a android project or for that matter even a specific feature functionality e2e without referencing other examples, samples, code-bases, stackoverflow, without having to bang my head to figure-out why something wouldn't work as expected. but take-home projects have become mandatory prior to interviews and have to be submitted in 24 hours. more often than not, in-person interviews have a real-time feature-development coding round in an ide, that'd ideally take me a couple of hours to complete to satisfaction, and i have lost some good opportunities because these interviews begin to dread me. java enterprise development does not have this issue in interviews, in my opinion. i am a senior engineer with adequately employable skills. i don't have the A+ skills to match any and all ridiculous expectations. i don't even know how did the interviews market end up this bad.

Oath OPnd70 Jun 17, 2019

Dayum, you never learned English?

Thomson Reuters zerosandones Aug 1, 2019

Why are you only interested in applying to Tier 2 and 3? There's lots of amazing Tier 1 companies in NYC that will have no problem with a base of 180k. If you think "why not", apply to those companies and let them decide whether you're worth it or not.