Tech IndustryOct 9, 2020

Work life balance for Facebook front end engineering

I’m considering an offer from Facebook as an E5 and wondering what the true work life balance is at Facebook. How feasible is it to work a 40ish hour schedule with flexibility around then time that I work? Are parenting responsibilities respected by management and coworkers? #worklifebalance #facebook

Microsoft 2020no Oct 9, 2020

It was horrible for me. I moved to Microsoft so that I can spend some time with my family. I used to work 60+ hours/week

Facebook aite Oct 9, 2020

A lot depends on your manager, ability, team and projects. 40ish hour is totally not hard to pull off as an e5 and I have seen multiple examples.

Workday bhjii4676$ Oct 9, 2020

Question what sort of interview is for FE

pRvH32 Oct 9, 2020

+1, I have my onsite interview for FE in a few weeks and I’m curious what sort of system design questions to expect. Distributed systems, or something more related to SPA architecture?