
300k in a savings account?

I've been a Bezos slave for many years and have about 300k sitting in a savings account. I know I should do something more productive with it but the 80 hour weeks and constant pages sap my energy to invest. So looking for something simple. What should I do? VOO? Edit: Age: 30. No wife or kids. Rent apartment.

NVIDIA fKMu64 Sep 19, 2021

If you are young, do qqq + voo + arkk

Deloitte Archer6.8 Sep 19, 2021

This !

Okta doll$h Sep 19, 2021

Not Arkk please!

Apple jfk211 Sep 19, 2021

What is qqq ?

Synopsys nomad101 Sep 19, 2021

Facebook yuydaddddy Sep 19, 2021

what is

Capital One mr.satoshi Sep 19, 2021

if you’re 9, do TQQQ for a mil’s worth of leverage

Qualcomm rGmS!l Sep 19, 2021

This is a sure shot at going to zero as well. PS: read about leveraged etfs before investing in them

Deloitte Archer6.8 Sep 19, 2021

Capital One’s advice is literally the worst.

Amazon bRaa02 Sep 19, 2021

You should be investing it , no idea how you guys get even hired in faang , just leetcode geeks but have zero knowledge of finance. Inflation has been eating at your savings account , peak stupidity here Exact type of wage drone leadership wants, congrats! Keep grinding until 70 and have your money evaporate

Amazon zjjjjb OP Sep 19, 2021

It's not just finance. Am also virgin, sadly

Amazon bRaa02 Sep 19, 2021

Not surprised, do something besides just get turned on by Java 8 or leetcode

Google prodpeep Sep 19, 2021

VTSAX and chill

Uber timorlane Sep 19, 2021

I was at your situation (with far less money though, less than 100k). I started with a mix of VGT, MGK and VOO. Never looked back. Set up an account with automatic transfer of 5-10k per month. It’ll take care of your hesitancy.

Netflix timestamp Sep 19, 2021

Which brokerage do you use for automatic monthly investments?

Uber timorlane Sep 19, 2021

@netflix, Vanguard,

Pinterest bTz9h Sep 19, 2021

A few hours of research, watching YouTube videos will get you farther than you'd think. Make your own decisions; start small and see how it plays out for you. This is not a time to FOMO away savings due to inexperience

Box youNoNoth Sep 19, 2021

Voo and chill

Amazon λ‎ Sep 19, 2021

put it all in titan let someone else manage your money for you

PayPal balayaa Sep 19, 2021

Heard a lot about this app..Can you share your experience using the app if you are a customer,it would be helpful.Thanks!

Amazon λ‎ Sep 19, 2021

i really love how hands-off it is. the design is immaculate and they're getting heavily funded lately. performance has been incredible too (they beat some really large funds). i kind of just set recurring deposits and let them do their manage! i don't have time to manage my investments, their performance is good, app looks good, i feel really safe with them

SAP Smidgen Sep 19, 2021

Have you guys used Robo advisor to allocate/ decide funds?? Is it helpful or just invest in funds based on personal risk appetite/preferences/goals??

Cisco yolo23113 Sep 19, 2021

Im using wealthfront, but honestly you can just take the money and put it into a bucket of other stocks. Wealthfront has a 0.25% AUM fee, paid monthly..I had started coz I got a referral and the first $5k would be managed for free.

Pinterest bTz9h Sep 19, 2021

Wealthfront is best used only for it's direct indexing. For getting started just use M1 Finance which has no fee. Wealthfront fee is not worth it unless it's to use the direct indexing