Misc.Jun 28, 2021

Blind vs Glassdoor

Would Blind be a competition for Glassdoor? Anonymous review (explicit on Blind) Anonymous salary ranges To me they seem to serve the same purpose. #misc #tech

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Amazon bezosssssd Jun 28, 2021

levels.fyi competition in terms of salary blind in terms of community, reviews etc

Amazon FukAzon Jun 28, 2021

Glassdoor sucks with out dates reviews and salary figures

Salesforce j63y3j Jun 28, 2021

Levels.fyi is suffering that too. When you filter by location and time it doesn't update charts. Salesforce has newer offices in some cities, and the average pay for roles in those cities are outpacing San Francisco on paper, just because the TC has gone up in recent years, and the levels.fyi numbers for the SF office are dragged down by data from years ago.

Facebook sjayw Jun 28, 2021

I also like to end words with an extra letterr

Indeed Inbeeb Jun 28, 2021

Glassdoor used to be good before companies started controlling and influencing their reviews. Blind seems to have started well for reviews. However, they have to ensure (I don't know how) companies are not able to influence it.

kkrohko1 Jun 28, 2021

Blind is community based and trust-based. No HR can force you to leave positive feedback on Blind but they will for Glassdoor. Blind is for the purest of pure souls 😎👽

Google ProCoaster Jun 28, 2021

Glassdoor UI sucks

Microsemi saBS01 Jun 28, 2021

Oddly the Reddit style of blind seems to give me more confidence the data is genuine. It’s hard to mine and influence blind data because the data is not all in one place and easy to compare. It makes it hard to use but also hard to influence.

kkrohko1 Jun 28, 2021

Very well described!

Indeed Inbeeb Jun 28, 2021

HRs and leadership has found ways to deal with that as well. In Indeed space, they are flagging the discussions which are showing facts and points out leadership improvements.