When to start looking for something new?

In the past 5 years, I've been working in large corporate environments as a product manager. I have significant experience in the startup world, leading my own product and having a team dedicated to its support and operation. As I've moved into big corp, I've found a lot more responsibility rests on me, including handholding cross-functional teams, 3rd party vendors and loads of contractors. I've found my job to be less and less about defining the product vision and executing and more in making sure all the wheels are greased, to the extent that I'm performing so many different jobs I can't keep up with all the spinning plates anymore. I know there's a level of chaos that PMs must handle but I swear I've been in work environments where I don't have to worry about being the ux design lead, data wrangler/analyst, QA, scrum master, legal assistant, vendor relations manager, and operations manager for my multiple products. I'm feeling like I'm being pulled in too many directions and can't really focus on creating a great product for my users. Rather, I'm buried in bureaucracy and filling in for personnel shortages. I've tried bringing this up to my management but it's ignored. Any advice out there, or is this just the job and I should STFU? Been doing this for 20 years and still can't seem to get out of the constant production grind. #pm #product #productmanager

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