Amazon L7 Tech Screen

Hi all, I have an Amazon L7 Tech Screen coming up, and I was wondering what the expectations from the tech screens are and how should I prepare for it? Recruiter said it will be a combination of coding, design, and discussion of past experience to analyze the scope of work I've done. Does that seem accurate? YoE is 17. Any tips will be appreciated. Thanks!

Dropbox mentira Apr 9

Behavior/leadership questions and then a coding round

Salesforce YQBJ75 OP Apr 9

Thank you. That helps. Any tips for the coding question? Do you know if it's FANG and leetcode style, where I'm expected to come up with an optimized solution in 15 mins. Or something a bit reasonable. Should I do Amazon tagged questions on Leetcode? Sorry, just haven't interviewed in a while.

Dropbox mentira Apr 9

It was a medium leetcode style question, but only had 10 minutes to finish. I never looked at Amazon tagged questions but would say they won’t help since anyone can ask anything

Amazon fake_hr Apr 9

Behavior LP in every round. Definitely one System / Architecture design question

Salesforce YQBJ75 OP Apr 9

Thank you.

Amazon whettAmzn Apr 9

Don’t do it- run