LayoffsJan 9
nammmaaa Jan 9


Google myprestige Jan 9

Damn bruh

Groq mlcompiler Jan 9

Pasted link that is easier to click on directly for others

MassMutual CarFan Jan 9

Yea I was getting some info on that today but didn’t post it was not confirmed I don’t think it is still confirmed. Twitch is bad spot it’s bleeding $$ and viewbase has flatlined. Gaming as a whole peaked in 2021 (Covid) and is steady decline since then

Renesas Electronics QVpv61 Jan 9

Hope for the best to the impacted employees !

Capital One drizzyzzir Jan 9

Hope they all get offers at Google and work on YouTube.

Meta snnsodnd Jan 9

YouTube is also doing silent layoffs and reorgs

Infront teal-dino Jan 9

I mean if you turn to a softporn site without allowing porn who are you even marketing to? and all the banning of normal streamers too because "behaviour" Twitch is a failing platform

Hopper YayLayoffs Jan 9

Facts. For a while all you’d see is hot tub streams. But someone showed her feet on camera and got banned. Lolwut?

Amazon blrg Jan 9

I just associate Twitch with banning.

Meta NHIN37 Jan 9

35% in one round? That's brutal. But all faang will have small layoff every season, so it could add up to something like 20% by the end of 2024.

Roku beer2grnd Jan 9

It says 35 not 25%