LayoffsDec 6, 2023

Elon musk started a never ending cycle of layoffs

Many factors played into these layoffs but the main real life test of what could happen was twitter getting rid of most employees with the product still intact with many new features coming to life in no time. The poor h1b1s had to work extra time to keep their jobs there. And now every other company knows it is feasible. There is no real solution out there except twitter failing.

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kindest. Dec 6, 2023


Cisco GEJH68 Dec 6, 2023

You guys love blaming Elon for anything fuck

Microsoft noquiero Dec 6, 2023

He was the first one to acknowledge the fat, but the model was unsustainable anyways

Zscaler devakaschi Dec 7, 2023

Musk's model of reducing fat is to shooting yourself in the leg and slowly dying

Tesla VeejBill Dec 6, 2023

Wake up little bunny 🐰🐰 everything else we have to evolve with required skills

Wayfair zhFJ22 Dec 6, 2023

Its not Elon but Indians exporting their desperation will make US the same. The real issue is abysmal state of educated people in India that is now a mix of socialism and crony capitalism. Adani never studied beyond class 10 and is the richest person in India, the poorest people in the state of Bihar still have 4 kids on an average as the government gives them free stuff, and an average engineer can't afford a 1 bed room apartment on the outskirts of a major city.

Block xGfan Dec 6, 2023

What’s the link you’re trying to make here?

Wayfair zhFJ22 Dec 6, 2023

That firms in US can treat employees poorly due to desperate Indians willing to replace them.

Salesforce vr23hy3yj Dec 6, 2023

Twitter is in a death spiral right now due to Elon decisions. Some of it is strongly related to the layoffs, like purging the content moderation team, leading to ads being shown next to objectionable content, which then pushes customers away

Block xGfan Dec 6, 2023

Aren’t there more customers now than a year back?

Microsoft noquiero Dec 6, 2023

The single metric you mentioned (AU) is actually in increase. The addressable market of users that aren’t US progressives is literally billions of people. There’s lot of room to grow. There aren’t moderators in the real world, not everyone needs to be sheltered.

Google Mr Sparkle Dec 6, 2023

Jack Welch started this shit. Elon is just a capitalist sycophant. He didn’t invent anything.

I use to work at this company. Upper management definitely quoted Elon as a reason to reduce headcount. Don't underestimate trends

AUAk24 Dec 6, 2023

Yep. “I only work 3 hours per day” “I generate so much revenue for the company” Turns out money printing and scalable tech products just cover up fat begging to be trimmed.

Guidewire JWTRT Dec 6, 2023

EM is racist trash who thinks his homeland’s best days were Apartheid.

Instacart wait4Pnuts Dec 6, 2023

South Africa regressing ever since the natives took over

Guidewire JWTRT Dec 8, 2023

So you’re just as racist as EM. *derp*

Twilio CHUMPS Dec 6, 2023

So let’s fuck them up, Elon hates unions, let’s make his life miserable.

Amazon Daysup Dec 6, 2023

Layoffs have been happening for decades for the exact same reasons as now. Elon didn’t invent the idea of layoffs.

iuCH32 Dec 7, 2023

The Layoff cycle as we know it was kicked started by Jack Welch