Misc.Jul 27, 2018
PayPalAdd πŸ’Έ

How are your BigCo facilities?

Ours at PayPal HQ have taken a shit. Vending machines empty of water by Tuesday. Coffee machines broken. Cleaners close the bathroom at 1pm right after lunch. Holes in the wall get patched but not painted. Clocks in conference rooms are perpetually off by hours. So packed with people most of us are sharing what little space there is. Sodexo (discount dorm food provider) running lunches. Does this sound normal to you?

PayPal Add πŸ’Έ OP Jul 27, 2018

Oh and the worst β€” way over-sensitive toilets that flush before I can admire my handiwork.

Cruise Automation βœ‰οΈ Jul 27, 2018

Sounds like you need to hire a better facilities team πŸ˜• The worst problems we get are that lunch sometime runs out too fast and the conference room iPads are sometimes broken πŸ˜•

nvdQ52 Aug 20, 2021

You definitely need a new Facilities Manager. Buck stops there.