Meta(Facebook) WLB

I am in final round of interviews at Meta for Software Engineer role and curious how the WLB is at Meta. There’s some polls from a few years ago but curious if things have gotten better? I’m assuming no since the focus is efficiency according to Mark. TC: 0

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Meta TopBoySuly Feb 27

We should change the wording of how’s wlb to how little work can I get away with and get a check

ByteDance FokTikTok Feb 27

Can you get promoted from E4 to E5 in one year if you work liked a madman?

Meta TopBoySuly Feb 27

Yes if you show impact and know how to schmooze

Meta tasol Feb 27

Depends a lot on the team. A lot of the times it is self inflicted horrible: codebase can be terrible with bad code no tests and tons of tech debt. Maintaining and working on such codebase takes a lot of effort and time. More than it should. Adding more patches on top of bad code is what's rewarded

Basis Technologies 陳小明 Feb 27

You summarise ad org pretty well

labouche Feb 27

Sounds like most orgs lol

Basis Technologies 陳小明 Feb 27

Damn Airtable still exist?

Google alpaca 🦙 Feb 27

It has gotten only worse

Amazon urmm2 Feb 27

Can someone enlighten me on Meta vs Amazon WLB? Is it worse, better, or the same?

Microsoft promotrack Feb 27

Amazon will keep being #1 in the "worst big tech company" category.

Atlassian 9Jfjksn Feb 27

Yes the wlb is bad but this is why you're getting paid so much