Tech IndustryJan 9, 2016

VR porn. It's happening. Ethical questions?

Curious on how to community feels about advancement in VR technology and it's growing adoption in the adult entertainment space. "While VR porn has its upsides—"safe" exploration of unchartered sexual desires, the ability to fuck a long distance partner using teledildonics, and even just a more interactive way to watch porn—there are ethical questions that come into play, too. How to ensure a porn performer's boundaries are not crossed in the virtual world? To what degree does this matter? What happens if someone hacks the game and gains control over someone's avatar? What about virtual rape?" First time I've ever heard of teledildonics.

Behind the Scenes of Tori Black's Virtual Reality Porn Debut | VICE | Canada
Behind the Scenes of Tori Black's Virtual Reality Porn Debut | VICE | Canada
Adobe Dracula Jan 9, 2016

Wow - first time I've heard of teledildonics as well...I don't know if I'm ready for this

Google mwmwm Jan 10, 2016

Teledildonics? Might be the next big thing.

Apple IYnA23 Jan 12, 2016

One of my college professors spent a day talking about teledildonics. This was in 2006. Either he was ahead of his time or a creep. Or both.

Microsoft ThatDude Jan 10, 2016

Lol, you are worried about the integrity and boundaries of a preprogrammed avatar? Is this where we are as people now?

Microsoft SpitRoast Jan 10, 2016

Teledildonics has been around for a looooong time. And virtual rape... Let's just say either you are a troll or you have no idea of how porn operates/you have too much time on your hands.