Tech IndustryNov 27, 2022

Why all the hate for people that constantly strive for higher Tc and are never satisfied with what they make?

It’s precisely because of people like these that market rate overall has been going up. Never be content folks. Don’t let companies juice you. TC 350k

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fruit👊 Nov 27, 2022

Lobster syndrome. Lobsters pull each other back into the bucket.

Apple karamdosa OP Nov 27, 2022

^ this

Expedia Group Prestige™️ Nov 27, 2022

Crab right 💭

Meta 🌊⚠️ Nov 27, 2022

Lord grant me patience for another vaguepost generalizing There's a lot of different habits that fall under that, to various degrees of severity

Micron 937482 Nov 27, 2022


Alcon ULQt68 Nov 27, 2022

cos they make $300k base and complain about $4 tips? :D

Allen Institute 11th-hour Nov 28, 2022

People should remember that these companies they work for are making millions, if not trillions, and there's no selfishness in seeking a greater share of the company's profits when you've been a valuable worker. On the other hand, if you haven't been a valuable worker, that could raise eyebrows from your colleagues. But even then, it serves as a reminder to them that *they* should seek more.

Presto whywouldi Nov 28, 2022

I disagree with these companies make trillions so let’s get a larger share mentality: are you fighting for everyone else as well or just yourself? If the latter then you are more than likely the person who changes jobs every 2 to 3 years and complain when you do 40 hours.

Allen Institute 11th-hour Nov 28, 2022

And what's wrong with changing jobs every 2-3 years? We don't enter some marriage with our first employer