Undisclosedeng dir

CoStar Virginia Director of Engineering total comp?

Looking at a director of engineering position in Virginia for the CoStar group - I know someone on the team who is going to refer me if I am interested but he has no idea about he conlensation. Levels.fyi has no data on this. Can you please share what is the total comp nowadays for Software engineering director roles at CoStar in Virginia? #engineering #software #costargroup #compensation #directorcompensation

Levels.fyi - Compare career levels across companies
Levels.fyi - Compare career levels across companies
Adobe SltyBosses Feb 26

A site that specializes in crowd sourcing compensation information has zero data on a role at a company and you think the handful of people who read this post will know better? Director of what again?

eng dir OP Feb 26

It's literally in the post - director of software engineering. Yes I think people who actually work at the company will have an idea of the compensation.

Spotify jqphbs Feb 26


eng dir OP Feb 26

45k per year? How do you know? This seems highly incorrect. It's less than what CoStar pays junior devs.