T-Mobile culture

Hi, am interviewing with T-Mobile’s inflight group. Can anyone shed light on what the culture is like on that team? TIA TC: 🥜 #product #pm #productmanager

ex-T-Mobile FUKNESTOR Dec 23, 2023


T-Mobile XYAq32 Dec 23, 2023

Shitty culture. People are underpaid, overworked (depending on the group), management doesn’t care about employees. It’s just depressing at T-Mobile. If it’s your only job offer and you need something take it but if you have other options pick something else.

T-Mobile Ghosttalks Dec 24, 2023

This. Even if you get promotion it’s only 5% increase on your base.

T-Mobile chanakya.n Dec 23, 2023

lol. Amdocs has more control than FTEs. So much politics. Leadership trusts and is sold on Amdocs Adobe and Salesforce. As an employee it seems to be a losing battle. Good luck.

T-Mobile sxKR51 Dec 23, 2023

In one line - full of politics and very toxic culture. Stay away.

T-Mobile xmasbeer Dec 24, 2023

Agree with all of the above. I don’t know anyone who is happy at T-Mobile, especially after they gutted 25% of corporate employees in Aug/Sept. Compensation is such that you must be a Director+ to afford to live comfortably in HCOL areas

T-Mobile MBHv82 Dec 24, 2023

If you asked me 3 or 4 years ago, I'd say the culture is org dependent but the WLB is fairly good. Everything I'm going to write is coming from someone who up until a year ago would have shrugged and said "It's fine". It's absolutely wild how much has changed since I joined. In 2023 the culture sucks and almost everyone I work with has a foot out the door. The only people who don't are those who are older and clinging on for dear life while they try to squeeze out whatever they can before they retire, (these are people with no transferrable skills outside TMO/telecom because they have done the same thing for 30yrs). Nobody is happy with how the merger went down a few years after the fact and we've had several rounds of layoffs. The last round was indiscriminate - my manager and her boss straight up didn't know if they would be around. Restructuring has been absolute chaos and doesn't seem to have a rhyme or reason to it. No one has faith in the leadership team. The company has more cash and is worth more than ever, yet as engineers, we are being asked to do more with far less than we've had. Nobody is innovating. No one cares. They pay under market rate. If you have no other prospects, you'll likely be fine here, but only use it as a stopgap.

T-Mobile XYAq32 Dec 24, 2023

I completely agree with everything you’re saying. I don’t know a single person who isn’t seriously looking. Most are waiting until their bonus hits their account and their RSUs vest since it’s so close to February. Short term to hold over TMO isn’t a bad place but it has a way of making people complacent and that can torpedo your career if you aren’t constantly gaining new skills or asking for more projects.

T-Mobile toethumbs Dec 24, 2023

Enough has been said about the bads of TM. As someone who just started in August, what I can tell you is that I’m on a team of very smart people (leadership, engineers, really everyone) and I enjoy coming to work every day. My biggest challenges are what TM corporate IT and security throw our way at unexpected times with sometimes unrealistic deadlines. There are teams doing innovative shit at TM, but it doesn’t seem to be on their mobile side. You can DM me if you want extra details about what org and team I’m in, but I’m not in the group you’re interviewing for.

T-Mobile sneakimiki Dec 24, 2023

Give it some time son

T-Mobile MBHv82 Dec 25, 2023

That's kind of the problem though. You can find a good team at any company, but when the average experience for an employee is pretty shit, you aren't going to find many people recommending them.

T-Mobile nhfdrf Dec 24, 2023

Why leave Crowdstrike? You're downgrading your resume coming to T-Mobile.

Deloitte dtcm Feb 15

Despite reading all the comments about the company, I remain motivated because T-Mobile is one of the few places with openings in my field. So, requesting all from T-Mobile here, can someone please provide a referral? #referral #t-mobile