Tech IndustryOct 21, 2019

EPIC Systems

Not FAANG but I’ve heard the TC is actually very lucrative in regards to COL in the area (Madison). What are your opinions on this company? I’ve heard alot of mixed things. I’ve heard the culture is borderline cultish. I’ve heard that the tech stack is very outdated (mainly VB, mumps and some C# if you are lucky) 🤦🏻‍♂️ Any opinions or experiences? Maybe interviews?

Snapchat tahcpansss Oct 21, 2019

Madison is cold...

Intel StarWarIT Oct 21, 2019

TC is lucrative. And also have heard about the mumps thing.

Zillow Group RnHb77 Oct 21, 2019

I've heard it's a shithole for culture and wlb (I used to live in WI it was one of very few tech options, I had some friends take, I fled to a city with actual jobs)

AVL R162 OP Oct 21, 2019

WA I’m assuming? How do you like it? Compared to the Midwest?

Intel PinkIsGrey Oct 21, 2019

OP, why don't you tag epic folks here

AVL R162 OP Oct 21, 2019

Just did, thanks! Didn’t know it would actually be recognized on Blind.

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Jep beezo Oct 21, 2019

Some disease

Epic CornOnCob Oct 21, 2019

You are right about M - that is the back end. For the rest, info is outdated. Most of the end user flows are already migrated to web. Front end will be in web stack (Typescript,C#, SCSS, JavaScript). Define cultish. Depends on how you look at it. If you share your current work location and TC, I can say if it is even worth the switch (considering cold climate, where you are moving from etc).

AVL R162 OP Oct 21, 2019

Thanks for the insight. I live across the pond so cold weather is a non-issue. However I am trying to break into the tech industry and EPIC always seems to be interviewing for their SWE roles. I was wondering if it would be worth staying in the Midwest for tech with a decent TC instead of doing what everyone else is doing (moving out west). However there are not many options here, my other option is to pack up and move to WA..

Epic CornOnCob Oct 21, 2019

Asking because you said "breaking into tech industry" - what is your background? I am asking this because Epic only hires CS majors for software development roles. The remaining would be technical support, or implement or QA which may not be that lucrative. Again, "Lucrative" is relative right. Depends on what you make now.

Epic smiling_autistic_virgin Oct 22, 2019

Tech stack here is best described as pain in the ass. No new hires will learn VB basically a lot of work right now is just shuffling legacy VB to C# and fairly main stream web stuff. Devops here is great, but the tech stack has lots of quirks. Honestly I greatly prefer writing Mumps to C#/web. All that said, it's a good place to start out. You'll learn a lot about designing software, but doing actual development sometimes feels tedious/not stimulating. Same shit, different database item number. But design can be complex. It's unusual getting this kind of design/architecture experience as a new grad. But the actual development leaves lots to be desired. Many people move on to other top notch stuff after. Definitely a good training ground for FANG+

AVL R162 OP Oct 22, 2019

Interesting. Epic gets a lot of shade because a lot of the skills/tech won’t transfer to the hot tech markets. That said i consider it to be a FANG of the Midwest. Do you like working there? Is TC fairly high for software developers?

Epic smiling_autistic_virgin Oct 22, 2019

The transferrable skills was definitely a worry for me at first, but it will only be a problem if you don't know how to sell yourself; Mumps: NoSQL before it was cool; C#/typescript: fairly standard Enterprise stack. In the past during the VB days that was definitely true, but Epic realizes that VB+Mumps is a hard sell (we're trying to move away from directly writing Mumps actually). Epic today is very different than epic from a few years ago and the improving retention rate shows. There's not much else that will pay great out here other than top trading firms in Chicago. New grads get 95k+10 sign on and an unknown (but expect at least 7% of base) as a bonus. Overall, I like it here, and I think the design/architecture opportunities you get here are highly unusual for new grads and for that, I'm glad I chose epic over my other offers. With that being said, development can feel kinda frustrating and not stimulating at times. I'm also just not a fan of the healthcare industry and for those reasons, I'm keeping the leetcode skills sharp. Don't let what I say discourage you though; I'm very happy to be here and would wholeheartedly recommend working here. The food is amazing and the work environment is great. People bend over backwards to help and there's a culture of ownership so less politics and screwing people over. Would I pick this place over FANG? Hell no, but this is a great place to start out at and move on to other things. If you do decide to become a lifer though, you will live like a king in Madison. But be warned, you're stuck here. Nothing else will pay this high in the entire state.

Microsoft CWE Dec 4, 2019

I definitely miss the campus and WLB at Epic, and the occasional stroll to get a milkshake at the cafeteria. Considering going back in 10 years if they take me back.

AVL FCH0P!N Dec 4, 2019

10 years, that’s specific why’s that? Also thought WLB at epic was not good according to many, is Msoft that bad. Epic is a little strange, would be interesting if they did take you back lol.

Indeed dThM81 Jul 17, 2020

I would read the recent Glassdoor reviews. My friends at Epic are not pleased with recent management decisions.

Quest Diagnostics vsfan1984 Feb 2, 2022

Hey I heard another round of pay raise last year. What is the TC for 10 year like folks now? 200k with SAR?