Tech IndustryAug 7, 2022

How to transition away from UX and into fashion partnerships

Currently working as a UX design consultant and tbh I'm just not really passionate about UX/design/tech. I never really was even in college...but I just had no idea what to do with my life so I just fell into UX. I know Accenture is not the best place to grow as a designer and stuff and that some people might suggest switching to another company, but I think I'm just straight up not interested in tech/product at all. I've always been very passionate about fashion but never tried working at Vogue or whatever because the salary is literally unlivable. However, recently, I've noticed that at companies like Youtube, Tiktok or Instagram, there are strategic partnership teams that specifically focus on the fashion and I find it really interesting. But of course, the work involved is more closely related to strategy/marketing. Is there anyway that I can somehow make the jump from design to strategic partnerships? The gap seems so huge I just don't know how I can do it. I really regret not figuring out earlier in life about this career path (otherwise I would have majored in business at college). But it's all sunk cost and I really want to make the switch. Any advice would be really really appreciated. I have no idea if it matters or if it would help me get a second chance at life, but I went to a bottom 4 ivy (I would specify but I don't want to give my identity away. If I did specify, anyone who knows me in real life and sees this post could connect the dots and know it's me and that's lowkey embarrassing please understand). My college major also involved data analytics, if that helps... YOE <1yr TC ~100k Thank you so so much. Please help a young post-grad who's having an existential crisis. #ui/ux #uxdesigner #fashion #tech #uxdesign #careeradvice #careerswitch #partnerships

TikTok vfzT80 Aug 7, 2022

Stay in tech. Grind. Tc. You'll be thankful you did.

Accenture UOhC50 OP Aug 7, 2022

Is the salary for non-technical roles at companies like tiktok/instagram that much lower? I assumed people in strategic fashion partnerships or any other type of biz ops/marketing role would make a tech salary (albeit prob half or less than half of SWE) but idk.

Tesla muskstick Aug 7, 2022

Wow are you me except probably 10 years younger? I’ve always been interested in fashion but just went down this data analytics path because…I don’t even know anymore. I’m now 30 and think my best way into fashion would be to work in fashion sustainability from a reporting/data perspective because that’s all I have experience in. But even then, do I want to just work in the fashion industry or do something creative in fashion? That’s a question you need to ask yourself too. If I were you, I would try get into a fashion company through your expertise - UX design and then you could go into strategy/marketing from there. Alternatively, the easiest but most uncomfortable way would be to network your way in. Why not ask someone through LinkedIn or another way about your options for getting one of those jobs. I’m sure most will be happy to share their journey and give some solid advice.

Accenture UOhC50 OP Aug 7, 2022

:(( I know...the struggles of naturally having passion/interest in a field that has one of the worst pay to WLB/COL ratio lol. Sometimes I wish I was super into computer science life would be so simple. But as someone who is a maybe 10 years older version of me, do you think the regret of not pivoting to fashion is eating you alive or are you content with making good money and being able to spend it on cute clothes and what not?

Tesla muskstick Aug 8, 2022

Haha I wish I was into comp sci too but my interests sadly don’t sway that way no matter how hard I try. I don’t regret not pivoting into fashion simply because I know I lacked the training and confidence to go for it in the past (I personally would want to design clothing or contribute to sustainable/ethical fashion if I was ever going to do it). I still believe having a balance of a stable income + pursuing interests is a good way to go so if you can combine your stable income with your interest then that’s ideal. My situation right now doesn’t make me content because work is eating into my time that I’d like to spend designing clothes and starting something!

Waystar vRkx28 Aug 7, 2022

This switch isn’t as big of a jump as you think it is. Tbh, u don’t need to have majored in business to switch. IMO, anyone can do business (which is why I regret not getting a more technically skilled degree). First off let’s set the floor, you can’t just switch to fashion/influence partnerships marketing without anything to show for it, we both know this. So, how do you bridge that gap? If you’re interested in it, then you probably spend personal time learning about fashion. Keep building this knowledge, join online communities interested in fashion. Just like UX portfolios, build some case studies around hypothetical fashion and brand partnerships. Analytics background is great bc you have to measure success with data. Explain the target market why you chose it and how it aligns to the company. Be active on LinkedIn or Twitter in communities in fashion or marketing. Build thought leadership with social posts to gain credibility in the community. Also you can supplement with online courses that may align to this. Network with ppl in the space, ask ppl on linked in who have the job you want for a quick coffee chat and and ask questions on skills and knowledge you need to break in. A huge leg up will be to shape your LinkedIn presence around fashion and partnerships marketing. Engage with thought leaders in the space, repost articles or post and add your thoughts. Create your own articles if possible. The biggest thing is to show tangible experience, which will be hard so the best you can do is case studies. Maybe start some side project or help out a small startup on the side if possible. There are so many different online communities to join and network in to find ppl interested in the same thing. Finally, you can switch to a stepping stone role that could get you to where you want to be. Anything similar in marketing is a step closer. This is broad and generic but I hope it at least a shapes a vision of steps you can take. I highly recommend doing case studies for favorite companies and brands as well as starting a blog on it to just put your thoughts out. Good luck!

Accenture UOhC50 OP Aug 7, 2022

Omg...this is actually really good advice thank you so much. I already spend like 90% of my free time consuming fashion content so I guess I just need to take that to the next level and start posting about it. This was really encouraging to read <3 tyty