Meta's VR OS to be available to others? Looks like Meta is making their VR OS - Horizon OS -- available to other parties to use -- interesting move for Meta -- I wonder if they'd do something like make it less compatible for future partners -- but looks like Lenovo, Microsoft etc. are jumping on -- what do. you all think?

Meta Expands Its Mixed Reality Beyond the Quest Headsets
Meta Expands Its Mixed Reality Beyond the Quest Headsets
355 Participants
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LinkedIn 🦄 nochain Apr 22

I think their goal is purely mass adoption like Android OS

ex-Meta 李哥吗 Apr 22

Goal is to own a platform that they can charge developers to put content on through the store. Wider adoption of this platform helps Meta's long term goal

Meta PSCH8r Apr 22

The announcement said it would allow other stores too

Meta w000w Apr 22

This isn't Apple. Getting 30% of everybody's revenue is the most dick move any company can do.

Meta hh47d Apr 22

Happy to be part of the team, we’ve been working on this for the last 2 yrs and finally it’s coming to reality.

Meta tcomp Apr 22

Congrats! As a fellow reality lab Metamate, I hope it is successful so my team's product can be adopted everywhere too!

Meta hh47d Apr 22

Social APK?

Google LOAD "*",8 Apr 22

They want to be able to monetize it without interference from other parties like Apple or Google. Not interested.

Amazon nvr|amzn Apr 22

Every tech company ever. Old news

Google proudclown Apr 22

Can’t wait for OnlyFans VR headset

Meta jhygvfd Apr 22

People don't want to understand that this would really drive mass adoption.

Amazon thatdude96 Apr 22

Meta wins from a competitive and more robust VR market. More strategically, I'd imagine this is also a defensive play by preempting Apple walling off the garden following a lackluster Apple Vision Pro launch.

Dropbox xpLs37 Apr 22


Google HenryJrIII Apr 22

Makes you wonder why Google isn't doing this.

Meta hh47d Apr 22

Google is also launching an XR device in this year I/O. I’m surprised that you don’t know this.

Google hipni Apr 22

Why Google didn't do it before? Lack of perseverance, see daydream / Lenovo mirage solo. Why Google isn't doing it now? Read some of boz's interviews you can see bits

Meta nulltakash Apr 22

Come on, this OS is just Android derivative or variant. They discontinued the endeavor to build their proprietary OS from scratch a while ago.

Meta PSCH8r Apr 22

That’s a little reductionist don’t you think? That’s kind of like saying iOS is just a FreeBSD port.

Meta w000w Apr 23

And Android is just a Linux derivative or variant, with touchscreen and ARM mods. So technically this OS is just a Linux derivative or variant, with touchscreen and ARM mods, as well as spatial awareness, 3D inputs, eyes and hand tracking mods. If you squint it's really like Ubuntu with a bit of skinning

Roblox nilpanic Apr 22

It’s a way to gain a lot more user base to compete with Apple. They want and need the partners.