What's the point?

Lots of people at places like Doordash and C3.ai making millions as we speak from inflated IPOs. The funny thing is, most of these people probably did not get into FAANG and would have taken it if they had. So the new paradigm is that people who Leetcode hard and get into Google and 🍎 get increasingly low-ball offers with stagnant career growth and tepid stock appreciation, while their peers who could not hack it but joined the right company get to retire at 25 with lambos and mansions. Man, what's the point of all the hard work and grinding? TC 200

AI & IoT Software Provider for Digital Transformation - C3.ai
AI & IoT Software Provider for Digital Transformation - C3.ai
HSBC mayihelpu Dec 10, 2020


Amazon wuFv30 Dec 10, 2020

This is like reverse survivorship bias. You’re not hearing from all the people who didn’t get into FANG and also didn’t pick a lucky startup.

DoorDash ddasher Dec 10, 2020

Random people on r/wsb become millionaires in a month trading options too.

Google 6Feet6Inch Dec 10, 2020

It’s all destiny and luck! Luck makes a person a prince or a pauper.

Microsoft yhyhnv Dec 10, 2020

Random 60 year olds win 100 million in lottery, what is the point of even working, just buy lotteries?

Amazon PureBlind Dec 10, 2020

Glad I am at DoorDash right now

Uber kw82h7 Dec 10, 2020

Go join a purely meritocratic profession then. You'll come crawling back.

Amazon Maurodon Dec 10, 2020

Apart from unemployment, what’s a purely meritocratic profession?

Aetna s5698j Dec 10, 2020

Not a lot of people have become millionaires off c3. Many of the people with lots of options already worked with Siebel at his prior companies.

Tableau 76er Dec 20, 2020

Lol what a sad view of life

Splunk Knolls Nov 7, 2021

Hardworking is not about mugging bunch of leetcode questions and preparing months for interviews and come up with a bunch of strategical lies in behavioral interviews. Majority of the companies in FAANG have an impractical interview process. I don't deny that one has to decently smart to get through these interviews. I wonder whats the point in asking a person who works in enterprise software company to design Facebook/whatsap chat service? With all due respect, FAANG folks live in bubble. At my work, I deal with very complicated problems. I would like to explore Google or FB. But I'm not that kinda person who mugs up for an interview and read bunch of things just to Crack the interview.