Design CareerSep 7, 2017

Acquisition by Fjord/Accenture

Hello! The design firm I work for recently got acquired by Fjord/Accenture. Anyone at these companies that can speak about this company (culture, benefits, things they hate/like) or anyone with experience being acquired by them? What are some good questions to ask during the next few days to my employer?

scipi Sep 7, 2017

From what I've gathered it's generally negative. It's the same when Deloitte took over some agency based in Seattle called brain(?) If you look on glassdoor during the acquisition period you'll find what you need to know. Culture clash and projects changing etc. Though do take it with a grain of salt.

Accenture @n0n Sep 10, 2017

Accenture is like 100s of companies operating under the same umbrella. All of the Fjord folks I have met are awesome. The benefits are good and there are many opportunities to experiment and grow. BUT it is a huge company and some parts are less pleasant, but Fjord is the real deal.

bPUn68 Sep 14, 2017

Hi! You may had hit jackpot. But it depends where you lay in the food chain. Fjord is in my opinion one of the best digital design firms at the moment. Accenture is a great management consulting with really smart people. Working for a larger firm has its perks and quirks. Good luck and keep us posted!