Team change in RBC Canada?

RBC Canada folks - I joined RBC few months back. So when you want to change teams, do you need permission from your manager? I mean will the new hiring manager ask you if you have permission from your existing manager? Or do they call your existing manager to check if they are onboard with your move? Tc: 120k #rbc

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Amazon mzye68 OP Dec 1, 2022


Amazon mzye68 OP Dec 1, 2022

I’m relatively new in the role and am not liking it. It’s not the role what I thought would be. I’m now looking to change team but don’t want to ask my manager because they will trigger thought in her that I’m looking to move out. And it’s essentially me and her as a team. So she will freak out and might block my move if manager consent is required. Then my life here in this role will be screwed too. And I may be fired at the first mistake.

Petco soberKid Dec 2, 2022

How is your relationship with your manager? What is your level? Branch?