Should I reply to ping from **hole who didn't respond months ago?

I pinged this guy months ago with a question that he never answered. Now he's pinging me with a question. This is not the first time it happens, although we only communicate once every few months (me, usually replying promptly, as he's Senior to me). Should I give him a taste of his own medicine?

42 Participants
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Microsoft CoPil0t Feb 21

Recess is over, go back to your class kid

Google xd92222 Feb 21

No need to stoop to his level. Be the better person.

Amazon fkmysdm Feb 21

I miss this here.

State Farm cogs11 Feb 21

It depends. Do you require excessive mentorship and are your questions direct to how to code or do your job? I don't respond to questions like these because its expected that you know how to code, execute tools etc. for your position. A company specific procedure, its understandable.

State Farm cogs11 Feb 21

Statefarm has unfortunately many such individuals and a lot of talented folks left because of this. Management is non-technical and they don't understand what's happening.

Google xd92222 Feb 21

You shouldn’t be straight up ignoring messages. If someone walked up to you and asked a dumb question would you ignore them to their face? Probably not. Instead, you should encourage them to look for the answer on their own or ask them what they have tried already if the questions they are asking are too basic.

Salesforce nACt38 Feb 21

Ignore it ... Attitude matters. No matter how stupid the question is .. you shd reply when someone reaches out to you in hope. If you don't know just say it and re-route it. Best thing is to tag that person with others or common channel.. never ask this person in dm