
Anyone been a lender on lending club?

Any advice from lenders on risks? Are there better returns on wealth front?

Facebook Ufhfhch Jan 11, 2018

Tha ship has sailed

Amazon Whodaboss OP Jan 11, 2018


GoodRx OloW05 Jan 11, 2018

Lending Club doesn't even give the best available loans out to regular clients. You have to be an institutional client to see good returns. You can make 3% a year with LC but with rising rates there's less riskier options out there with less long term commitment. I've been on their platform for years and I'm now letting all my notes roll off. The high yield notes that were diamonds in the sand are few and far between now.

WQJa25 Jan 11, 2018

I have a low 5 digit lendingclub portfolio. I dont think the upside compensates for the loss of returns during a recession. I havent put in more capital in several years. Though it grows slowly, the risk is high to lose your shirt if there are a spike in defaults.

Amazon Whodaboss OP Jan 11, 2018

Does it make more sense to stick to wealthfront instead

Gen!x XPbr65 Jan 11, 2018

21% return on Wealthfront last year. What did LC do? Yes, yes WF is a reflection of the broader market uptrend and can fall but so would Lending Club too on any downturn. People pay less on debts in recessions. I’m willing to bet Wealthfront beats Lending Club on a 5 year aggregate. Would even put a little wager on it. #blockChainSmartContractFTW

Amazon Whodaboss OP Jan 11, 2018

That’s amazing. What’s your risk level on wealth front?

zeekerton Jan 11, 2018

I’ve been a lender for a couple years and my adjusted return is like 3%. Not worth it.

Dell ggSn28 Jan 11, 2018 7-10% backed by real estate

Bloomberg iaYM02 Jan 11, 2018

Done that. Not worth the trouble.

Lending Club Hifvhhn Jan 11, 2018

Don’t Invest in LC. Many charge off loans and the latest credit model is a bust. Negative returns in 2018-2019

Uber jeowlaw Jan 12, 2018

How to cash out from LC? Seems no quick way.

Microsoft yMcg47 Jan 27, 2018

Just need to wait for the terms to roll off