CompensationNov 18, 2018
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Stack Overflow Salary Data

How accurate is stack overflow salary data? It shows US developer with 10 years of experience at around $140K. Why is there such a big difference with numbers I see here on Blind?

Developer Salaries in 2018: Updating the Stack Overflow Salary Calculator - Stack Overflow Blog
Developer Salaries in 2018: Updating the Stack Overflow Salary Calculator - Stack Overflow Blog
Stack Overflow Blog
Proofpoint foodtruckj Nov 18, 2018

Number on Blind are bay area, seattle, and nyc numbers and the high cost of livingpushes these numbers higher. The average salary of $140k is good if you consider it outside of these 3 areas. Also salary is just 1 part of TC. Dont forget to add bonuses and stocks.

Google UUKg61 Nov 18, 2018

Blind numbers are for top 10 companies. If you include vast number of other software companies , you get a low median and average. Also, Blind numbers are on higher side as only high salary guys are sharing their numbers. Not everyone at Google or Facebook makes over 350k .