
Does it sound crazy that working remote sucks?

I don’t feel connected to my team. I see them in person once or twice a year. I don’t feel motivated. On a typical day I only leave my place to pick up lunch. Slack/video call only interaction sucks balls. My current TC is ~ 360k and am considering interviewing with a company that probably pays $280 - $300k tops and requires you to go in 3 days a week. Their office is like super close from my apartment. Someone slap some sense into me.

Snap sadge 😔 May 16

Yeah it sounds crazy. I work remote - make $580k with good WLB, I’m no way going to the office adding commute time to my day and just wasting time and energy

Amazon iwhveh May 16

💯 I'm with you! If I need to see other humans in person I go work out of the local coffee shop, bookstore or library for a change of scenery.

Redwood Materials satoshi100 May 16

Oh Snap!

Netskope cczt2 May 16

I get it.

Samsara ghjffcf May 16

Get a coworking space.

Remitly BLyS05 May 16

Imo the worst part of RTO is the commute. If it's close to your apartment and you enjoy in person, go for it

Uber factOrNot May 16

Money shouldn’t be the only thing you look at but on the flip side, don’t join a company because it has an office close to you and you can go in 3 days a week. Job changes should be thought through more rigorously.

techieinus May 16

Companies that aren’t remote normally pay more than remote roles to attract you to go to the office lol. Don’t get bamboozled.

Stripe sandwall May 16

Not crazy, remote ain’t for everyone. For myself, I’ll cut a few people before I lose remote.

Block D-Block OP May 16

Small talk is highly underrated. I thought I didn’t need human interaction outside of my family, but it is not true at all. Soemtimes shit you hate is what is needed

Stripe sandwall May 16


Roku roku⬇️ May 16

Work is not family. You don't need to be connected to them. Just get work done, that's all. You can interact to people in a bunch of other ways.

Block D-Block OP May 16

Thanks, I’ll figure it out. I realized I was being a btch. Time to man up.

Google ZomedtP2 May 16

If you have a life outside work, then you will start to appreciate remote work. And i mean that in the most respectful way. Start some hobbies and make friends and have a reason to go out. You're not in college anymore, your personal life is separate from work. When your personal life is fulfilling you will be begging to go remote.