Gave up leetcode

I gave up. I solved blind 75, neetcode 150, but I still screwed up on leetcode contest. I only solve 2 problems. I have google phone screen coming up.

Snap interview🤴 Apr 27

I find this obsess with LC contests stupid tbh. I can never solve more than 2, at best 3 in the contest but I have still worked at Google, Netflix and Snap. Well, maybe that’s why I never even tried to interview at Facebook, but who cares.

ex-Amazon DinamoBb OP Apr 27

Not obsess actually. Most problem I solved are I checked the solution when I got stuck then I revisited in week or month later. I’ve been practicing casually BUT not regularly — just lately rushing up for google interview that makes me joining LC contests again

Atlassian X4g3t Apr 27

Doesn't snap have harder interviews than fb?

Workday pwenut Apr 27

Leetcode contest involve convoluted tricks only people who do algos as a hobby can solve. It sounds like you’re ready for a job interview no problem

Google WHQLdriver Apr 27

Do Leetcode for years and get several thousand accepted submissions. Truly internalize the patterns, contests are harder than interviews.

ex-Amazon DinamoBb OP Apr 27

Really? Would easy medium problems be enough for L4 interview?

Google OLWxfhFI Apr 27

mediums should be fine for most interviews

Olive Xrdg80 Apr 27

The contests are stupid. It’s all convoluted algorithms tricks that you won’t see in the real world and are unlikely to see on a FAANG test, especially in any volume that matters. Now regular leet code? You should be smoking that shit for FAANG. Sounds like you’re ready.

MWAu80 Apr 27

If you’re interviewing remotely, just use ChatGPT

ex-Amazon DinamoBb OP Apr 27

Do you know that actually ChatGPT only works well for leetcode problems that have been available there for so long? ChatGPT have issue with problem never seen before :)

MWAu80 Apr 28

@DinamoBb there is nothing novel about leetcode-style questions. Unless you’re interviewing for some kind of quant position or are literally writing the algos for search/storage at a tech company, roles that typically require a phd from an Ivy League school, you aren’t going to see anything novel.

ex-Dropbox huStb3t May 2

A lot of it is practicing communicating your answer. We’ve got a meetup in NYC where we prepare in person