Anyone open to informal experience share? PM to PM

Anyone with 5+ Software Product YOE open to an informal conversation? PM to PM Feeling very confident in my strategy and business acumen. But most of my experience is in industrials rather than B2C software. I am hoping to check for some potential blindspots. Team dynamic is great but damn does it feel like we spin our wheels sometimes. With 6 yoe product experience (11 total), I am having a hard time figuring out whether I'm not holding up my end, or our structure/processes are flawed, or etc? Of course it goes both ways so if you have any strategic challenges you'd like an outside opinion on I can definitely provide a perspective. Let me know! #pm #product #productmanager

lac-310 Feb 15, 2022

Share your TC and YoE

Intuit owplamn Feb 15, 2022
