Tech IndustryMay 4, 2020

new job guilt anyone?

just signed an offer with a new company. got a lot more tc than i expected, and at C1 i don’t get paid anywhere near what you guys get paid, but when I first heard the number that broke 6 figs, I kinda freaked out and felt a bit guilty about it. now i just got nearly 70% raise, and I was happy and celebratory for like 30 minutes but now I’m sitting in my parents backyard all stressed out and anxiously frowny. it’s quite anxiety inducing, having to quit a company for the first time, starting a new job remotely, and the pay is higher than I expected — I should be happy about it, and I am — but I feel so undeserving and feel like a perpetrator in this gross capitalist wrongdoings. I was quite close with my manager as well and a lot was depended upon me so I feel like a bit of betrayer as well. I see my brother and my friends and all my family who work a lot harder than me, and here I am who gets to flaunt this crazy high pay and i barely work 5 hours a day (in real focused manner) and still quite young compared to them. it’s kind if a lot at once I guess. And none of it makes any sense to me. If anybody has experience in feeling this way, I would really appreciate some advices. At least I get to dump my thought anonymously online. :) thanks

KFTp63 May 4, 2020

What is ur role for the company?

Capital One cu3294 OP May 4, 2020


Dassault Falcon Jet razdaz May 4, 2020

The life of techies. Get paid to think/problem solve. And you can realistically only do that for so many hours. Other ppl do “busy work” for all hours of day.

Capital One cu3294 OP May 4, 2020


Capital One cu3294 OP May 4, 2020

Thank you

Oath Urugmai May 4, 2020

New company, tc and yoe? Did u negotiate? You should even if its higher than what you expected.

Capital One cu3294 OP May 4, 2020

For this thread alone I want to stay away from tc stuff, but I have 1.5 YOE. I didn’t negotiate further, after talking to the person who referred me who already negotiated for me and sounded bit hesitant about negotiating further.

Oath Urugmai May 4, 2020

Bro its blind, TC or GTFO. Jk, but I feel it's pretty important unless it's a small company that might expose your identity.

Amazon now wut 😳 May 4, 2020

I feel that same sense of guilt too...I rationalize it by thinking how everyone gets lucky in life (some in a bigger way than others) either through good looks, smarts, lots of friends, good family etc.. but mine seems to be a well positioned job. Hopefully I’ll be able to give back more to the community and world once I’m more financially independent from this well paying career.

Capital One cu3294 OP May 4, 2020

Yes. Nice. Thank you. “Now wut” is right, haha Hopefully I have it in me to give back to the world/community when the time comes. Or will that time ever come? I should do something to bridge that gap somehow, and perhaps now is just the right time.

Walmart lolkeklol May 4, 2020

I’ve quit 4 jobs in 5 years. Don’t feel guilty. 70% is Fucking amazing. That means you’ve been getting underpaid and your employer had no problem with it. That’s not to say you should hate them or anything, but the relationship was mutually good and just like with most relationships it’s come to an end. If your manager and team truly cared about what’s best for you they’d be happy for you and wish you well. Smile, be happy, you unlocked a lot for you, your parents, and your future family. I make 3x what my dad who has 25+ years work experience, 3 masters, and a CPA makes and I know nothing tbh other than some leetcode, but I’m glad I’m securing the bag and setting myself and my family up to do bigger things later.

Capital One cu3294 OP May 4, 2020


Capital One cu3294 OP May 4, 2020

That was super poignant and helpful thank you so much. Really appreciate that

Google jdbb May 4, 2020

Life is not fair, get over it and enjoy it. Take advantage of things you are offered. I barely graduated high school let along college and here I am pulling nearly half a mil per year. You don't wanna know how much I actually worked during the quarantine

Indeed indood May 4, 2020

Exactly this. Hustle and hustle and then hustle some more. Life isn’t fair, today you may be at the top tomorrow you might be in the streets. Take advantage of the money you can get now.

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Capital One cu3294 OP May 4, 2020

Thank you for the reply. We’re in a very similar situation and I think what I need is an exercise in being grateful

TripleLift djkhalis23 May 4, 2020

Np! Also, a question similar to yours was asked a few days ago. I don’t have a link to the original post, but here are some books people recommended

Microsoft wannaBrich May 4, 2020

How about you just keep it to yourself and don’t flaunt it and keep quite. Just be happy you done well and not compare and contrast against people especially your family.

Capital One cu3294 OP May 4, 2020

I’ll actually heed this advice. You’re right.

Intuit nptpa May 4, 2020

You can always use your wealth to help others whether it’s family, friends or even strangers. My husband and I set aside a certain amount every year to donate to causes we like.

Amazon xgjfdbf May 4, 2020

Humble brag! Cringe cringe.

Capital One cu3294 OP May 4, 2020

you idiot