
Companies that do extreme programming?

Recently I have seen quite a few startups adopting the extreme programming methodology similar to what Pivotal does, such as 90% pair programming, 9-6 firm schedules. I’m wondering how can those companies justify the strict rules and extra hours without paying above average salaries, while seemingly still able to attract decent talent?

Oracle facegle Mar 28, 2018

That's pretty damn extreme sweat shop routine. Not going no matter what they pay I want to rot at oracle

Microsoft mnndjsk Mar 28, 2018

...that sounds horrible... who would do that. pair programming sounds like cancer.

Lojel Mar 28, 2018

it is.

Lojel Mar 28, 2018

BBM, since the VP and CTO is ex Pivotal

Lojel Mar 28, 2018

and it fucking sucks. Also, no one uses Blackberry Messenger nowadays

Amazon hLED85 Mar 28, 2018

oh, they just have devs who like 9-5 schedules, that’s their secret.

Bank of America nameless1 Mar 28, 2018

9-6 isn’t extra hours, assuming you take an hour for lunch. The rigidity of the schedule could be a problem, though.

Microsoft mnndjsk Mar 28, 2018

wtf is this bullshit. standard is 9 to 5 with lunch hour. how have you let companies fool you into working an extra hour cuz u ate. rofl.

Bank of America nameless1 Mar 28, 2018

I do 8-4 with lunch at my desk. Anything beyond a 15 minute break becomes unpaid. But then I’m hourly, which is unusual and likely to change soon.

eBay gojilla Mar 28, 2018

It's applying the assembly line approach from Detroit auto to programming.

Uber nohvri Mar 28, 2018

I prefer Programming, Motherfucker methodology: http://programming-motherfucker.com

Pivotal Srdh Mar 28, 2018

Pair programming is really useful for new grads or anyone trying to ramp up very quickly, I joined pivotal for that and it has not disappointed me. Time to fly out now 🕊

Bloomberg lexAnd Mar 28, 2018

Investment Technology Group does or used to do extreme programming. I worked there for 3 years and it was the most pleasant programming experience of my life. Pair programming works because you don't waste time going down a bad rabbit hole. No comments is greats bc few comments are ever updated or up to date. The short hours are great bc you finish your work by 5 and go have a normal life so you don't get burnt out and write shitty code, leading to technical debt. And it has a "shit or get off the pot" approach of try approach a, you have 1 hour, if it doesn't work try b, then c...etc

Bloomberg lexAnd Mar 28, 2018

And you do test driven development which serves as the best way to incrementally build up your program, and to serve as documentation for other developers. And tests are supposed to be short, I have seen 600 line tests, that's not the point

Microsoft AmIEwok Mar 28, 2018

600 tests or 600-line tests, eventually it takes minutes or hours to run them.

Gap randUser Mar 28, 2018

I work 9-5 with constant pair programming. It helps as a new grad sorta but I hate it. Im the new guy so I cant convince my team to move away from it