Jane Street Production Engineer

Have my first technical interview for Production Engineer (NYC) in a couple of weeks. Current org is a hedge fund doing the same role. CS background but haven’t done serious LC or DS/algos interviews since college. Judging by previous Blind posts and their website, the expectation is being able to communicate throughout the problem and come up with O(1) solutions where possible. My question: How much should I focus on this being a hardcore SWE interview vs just being a good problem solver? In reality I’m a bit rusty in some of my DS&A and don’t have much time to prepare. Need to understand what to focus on most. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. TeeCee: 400k

SAP ayKP13 Apr 5

Good luck! Big opportunity

Jane Street Capital oh,🐪 Apr 6

We try to only test you on things that would be useful in your job.

Microsoft MicroTCsft Apr 7

Can i dm you?

Microsoft WHye63 Apr 6

How do you plan to prepare? In the same boots as you, but for SWE position in NYC (so we're not competing)

Google hellohc Apr 16

In the same boat as well, but for London position. I’m currently on LeetCode everyday, but also not sure how much effort I have to put on either system design vs coding vs others. Happy to chat and exchange some info

Microsoft WHye63 Apr 16

I have heard Jane Street doesn't ask Leetcode, so not sure how useful would it be. Do you study any other topics (like operating systems, compilers)?

Google hellohc Apr 16

Really?! I was reached out by 3rd party recruiter. They suggested me to get on Leetcode hard questions. They may be wrong of course. What’s your source? Apart from Leetcode, just some standard system design online courses. What about you?