Fsd 12.3 is very impressive. Kudos to the team @Tesla.

I've been using fsd 11 for about 3 months and I recently received the 12.3 update. I have to say I'm extremely impressed but how smooth and how it handles complex driving situation. (I'm not in California or west coast) I drove from outside my garage to my friend curb 12 miles away, on a very curvy road with constructions somewhere with 0 dissengament and no jerky movement, my wife didn't even notice I wasn't the one driving. I had to push it a couple of time when it was being too caution on an unprotected left turn, but that's it. Even though I don't believe this car (2023 model y) will ever be able to take me from coast to coast while I'm sleeping like Elon said years ago or it'll be a robotaxi, due to the camera positioning and very low visibility in bad weather, I think this is a leap forward in the right direction. Folks @tesla, especially those working on fsd should be very proud of themselves. In spite of everything negative being said about fsd, there's no commercially available car that can do what tesla is doing. You're pushing technology to new Frontiers. Great job. Note. It's still in beta and tesla asks that you keep your eyes on the road and hands on the wheel at all time

Google EK76iu Mar 21

Ok Elon

shooooot Mar 21

Still it will injure multiple pedestrians and Elon will walk away free. Arrest these mfs ✊

Amazon kay! Mar 21

What a moron

Wild Health πŸ‘» rider βž• Mar 21

Dojo getting better.

Upwork sf3 Mar 21

Elon and his FSD promises.

Salesforce OwEf04 Mar 21

It's true, FSD 12.3 is on another level. It actually recognizes and slows down for speed bumps now. Smoother overall and way more human like. Pure cope to think they won't solve FSD at this point, their approach of cheap cameras, good AI, and training data off other high safety score cars is working. Will only get better, hopefully accelerated with this new approach 🀞

Amazon mobeele Mar 21

Did it solve the phantom breaking problem ? If not its a crap fsd that can get you killed. period.

Microsoft higgsbos0n Mar 21

Super exciting that we will have self-driving cars. I'm curious how well it performs under non-ideal conditions (rain, snow). Have you been able to use it in those conditions.

Microsoft OAIboard OP Mar 21

Heavy rain, fsd is almost unusable as camera have little to no visibility, that's why I don't thibk this will ever work as robotaxi or true self driving, unless the car park itself when the rain starts and figures out a way to clean the camera after rain etc. It's just not feasible.

Intuit Boolish Mar 21

Nose in booty and inhale deep

Tesla blkhrt Mar 21

Thanks 🀘🏼

uevT16 Mar 29

I know it's not right place. But, Could I DM you for tesla referrals?