
Meta Phone Interview

Just had a phone screening with Meta. The allocated time was divided in: - 5 minutes of intros - 30 - 35 minutes for two problems - 5 minutes of questions at the end Problem 1: Medium LC, solved pretty fast. After I wrote it, interviewer asked me to debug it, and found a couple of small issues. The solution was optimal in time. I used a queue, even if I could have avoided it. Interviewer pointed it out, but moved on. Problem 2: Easy LC. I suggested a working approach, but would have been a bit too complicated according to the interviewer (even if time/space complexity was optimal). Took a bit of a conversation to understand what the interviewer wanted, as he was a bit confusing, even though he was trying to help me. In the end I was able to write the code he expected. Then time was over After the interview I tested the problems: - First problem had a minor bug - Second problem compiled and succeeded many test cases Am I going to pass? #meta #interview #software #engineering #facebook - Update: I passed the interview

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