

What are some good tools to check private documents for grammar, punctuation and plagiarism while giving the privacy aspect? #tech #apple #netflix #microsoft

Block HKQt02 Mar 2

Spell Check

dghjjk OP Mar 2

Where can i get this?

MRM TWG_202023 Mar 2

Grammarly namely, but Office has Wordโ€™s Spell Checking if you need it. For plagiarism, you can Grammarly, or through manually copying the text into a search engine of your choice and seeing what pops up. Youโ€™ll have to check and see if the ideas are paraphrased from a common source, if any citations are used, or if an idea is borrowed or passed off as oneโ€™s own work without giving credit to the author. Best of luck! TC: 105K, former professional writer

dghjjk OP Mar 2

By using grammarly are you not in the risk of sending your data?