Tech IndustryOct 4, 2018

Any info on DataMinr?

Recruiter reached out and was curious. NYC position.

Fitbit Fnden Oct 4, 2018

Is that a tinder for pedophiles?

Amazon jNeo42 Oct 4, 2018

I did an info call with their recruiter. The company operates at a profit without funding, though they still raise capital to fund growth. Technically sounds like a good challenge. But as for having an interest in the business — it’s difficult to be excited about a company which exists to live for the second. They scrape Twitter, find immediate trends, and forward to subscribers. Wow, sounds exciting. From what I’ve gathered they don’t even do anything with the data they’ve amassed (yet). If you’re jaded like I am about the nonstop mill of the next big thing — only to find time and time again that we’re always led back to the basics. The mill is just marketing and shoveling money into a few hands, whether the mill is politics, food, fashion, tech, loud obnoxious mindless movies, shitty overproduced pop music, tampons, etc. Ever notice how things like sex toys don’t ever change, yet everything else does? I have no point to that, it just occurred to me while making that list.