Tech IndustryJul 27, 2022

A high % of FB Twitter and LinkedIn profiles are fake. Why can't we fix the bot issue?

Trust me. A high percentage. More than 10% Hey don't these companies do anything to fix it. Scruff, a gay dating app for bear / hairy guys solved the problem. You have to match three hand forms in some pictures. It works. The app has a "most woofed and new" and "most woofed and verified" . You can easily see the new set is all fake profiles with overly doctored pics and the verified are attractive, but real people with other social media. It could be fixed. In a week. No more bots.

Meta bgPIPenrgy Jul 27, 2022

All I’m getting from this post is that OP is gay

Microsoft Bkrf72 Jul 27, 2022

They are there for a reason.

Netflix Roua46 Jul 27, 2022

The company allows them to exist for a reason, think about it

Splunk yNtG42 Jul 27, 2022

What's the incentive? How much will it cost to develop this verification? And how many people will you have to hire to manage customer support for it? How much will it increase revenue?

Amazon wawY45 Jul 27, 2022

CIA needs them to exist. How would they AstroTurf otherwise?

Amazon wawY45 Jul 27, 2022

None of this is a problem for users, it's only an issue for investors and advertisers. Even then, for investors, it's already supposed to be priced in, so what's the big deal that half of Twitter is fake? Everyone already knows it.

Meta IfIWasBoz OP Jul 27, 2022

Yes it is. We get harassed in all the time.

Amazon wawY45 Jul 27, 2022

How do you know it's a bot, and not a CIA agent? Do you think they won't be able to verify themselves with a fake passport to still get an account? Then basically all you get are the US approved bots. They're already banning entire departments of foreign countries, and interfering in world affairs and elections.

Amazon hippybear Jul 27, 2022

I never see any bots on Twitter or LinkedIn. I guess it's mainly a problem of highly followed users. And TBH I'm more worried about creepy users than bots. Sometimes I tweet something and some random people comment really crazy stuff.

Amazon wawY45 Jul 27, 2022

Actually, I predict that Twitter will use the Rachel Maddow / Tucker Carlson defence in court against Musk reneging on TWTR. Everyone knows that Twitter's figure on bots is fake and/or wishful thinking. It's already been priced in, and that's why their stock was so cheap in the first place. 🤣🤣🤣

Microsoft nr83!/$ Jul 27, 2022

It's not a "problem" for social media until it affects profits. Right now the bots are increasing engagement since they want to scam/affect the most people. So it's a sleazy win-win from their perspectives

Amazon wawY45 Jul 27, 2022

Them getting paid depends on not understanding of the problem. 🤣

Amazon wawY45 Jul 27, 2022

BTW, to answer your question, no, it cannot be fixed. If you do your 1w-fix, you'll simply ban about 90% of users who don't want to go through your verification steps. Twitter and Reddit officially supposed to be anonymous platforms. Reddit didn't used to require email at one point, and they've had no name field besides username. Twitter officially just has a single "Name" field, which used to be limited in size, and there's no First Last anywhere. They both used to have complete and official API, and you were supposed to be able to create a bot account if it adheres to the rules of the platform.

Meta IfIWasBoz OP Jul 27, 2022

Who said ban. Just verify.

Amazon wawY45 Jul 27, 2022

They already verify, but it's still not enough for you. Can you even get an account on FB or Insta without a real name now? Twitter makes it all but impossible to register without a phone number now, too.