Tech IndustryOct 1, 2022

New Job too chill?

Hey all, I joined TikTok recently and it’s been very laid back the first few weeks. I spend my days reading documents (I ask my team daily to send me any sort of resource that they have) but hardly anyone initiates messages with me nor do I know what I’m supposed to be doing yet. This makes me anxious because I worry that I’m falling behind without knowing it, so I have been initialing 1:1s with some people in my team, who also tell me to take it easy. Is this normal during onboarding for TikTok because I heard the opposite from Blind where people get 996. Should I be more proactive and ask my team for assignments or wait for it to happen and just take some time to adjust? And before mentioning that maybe it’s because I came from Amazon, my previous role in Amazon was also very laid back with little workload. I mainly left the role because I wanted more of a challenge as I’m kinda starting my career. TC: 190

Microsoft LC -> TC Oct 1, 2022

Chill, it is not Amazon

Amazon MHcL06 OP Oct 1, 2022

Is this normal for any non-Amazon company

Rally Health DqyF03 Oct 1, 2022

You got a bad manager if you have no idea what to do in your first month

Amazon MHcL06 OP Oct 1, 2022

Better than no manager haha - my prev. job at Amazon my original manager left and I was left without one for many months.

Rally Health DqyF03 Oct 1, 2022

You could have just hide in a little corner and got a second job. Two pay checks are better than one lol

ByteDance 48boogie Oct 1, 2022

You will wish it was this laid back in a couple of weeks

Meta bill_dates Oct 1, 2022

How's the internal tooling?

Amazon NFTPunk Oct 1, 2022

Lol this was the same with me. I joined tik tok from Amazon. Online is horror stories. Inside is nicer. I would say there is a lot of work to do but it’s not a coasting place but at the same time it won’t kill you. Your china based colleagues will be online very late their time but it doesn’t mean you have to

Amazon MHcL06 OP Oct 1, 2022

That’s nice to hear- similar situation where my colleagues are based in China

Zoom bjutfccvv Oct 1, 2022

They might just be keeping you calm at first before tossing you into the storm. I had that at zoom. First month was nothing. Then? GO GO GO GO GO late evenings, extra studying needed on weekends ,tight deadlines, crushing processes, blocker blocker blocker, little help or guidance, blah blah etc It was crazy.

Amazon MHcL06 OP Oct 1, 2022

How are things now?

Zoom bjutfccvv Oct 1, 2022

Less insane but still a mess. Problem is mostly my team at this point.

Netflix dirna4 Oct 1, 2022

I've interviewed many candidates desperately trying to get out of TikTok because of the unsustainable time demands. I would be very curious to see what you think in another month or so.

Amazon MHcL06 OP Oct 1, 2022

Does Netflix typically hire talent from TikTok? Is someone coming from TikTok seen as a competitive compared to those from FAANG?

Netflix dirna4 Oct 1, 2022

Depends on the role, but generally TikTok is fine.

Microsoft d0gg Oct 1, 2022

Give it a bit. It’ll ramp up. I had the same experience in my last few moves. Just enjoy the calm for a bit

Amazon MHcL06 OP Oct 1, 2022


Coda Payments svSc03 Oct 6, 2022

Which location? I'm a few weeks old too @ tiktok and i felt like that initially but things quickly changed in a week :D DM me