
Apple offer. How many approvals needed?

How many approvals are usually needed to take an offer from verbal to official? My recruiter mentioned 10+ and a timeline of up to 2-3 weeks. Wondering if anyone has more detailed inside info on this process.

Apple iTunes Feb 9

For unusual offer case, it might need to go all the way up to a SVP (who reports Tim Cook) these days. It could be different depending on org.

ufieofb OP Feb 9

Is 10-15 approvals typical in your opinion? My role seems pretty ordinary, ICT3 in IS&T.

Apple iTunes Feb 9

In that case, I think it's counting all approvals from the management chain, finance, recruiting etc

Google googley_r Feb 9

If there are competing offers or deadlines, have happened in 4-5 days

ufieofb OP Feb 9

It’s been about 2 weeks now and I have competing offer deadlines that have either expired or will be expiring early next week. I’m losing faith that I’ll be getting the written Apple offer, despite assurances from my recruiter 😣

Intel AnonGaudi Feb 9

Just accept what you have and reneg if approved

ufieofb OP Feb 9

Yeah, this is what I’m planning. Hate the idea of reneging tho

phatFire Feb 9

It will need Sr. Director approval, always take the competing offer and if you get the Apple offer then you quit the other one, never not take the bird in the hand

ufieofb OP Feb 9

Give me your best guess. How often does sr director (or anyone else in the final approval chain) reject offers? 5%? 15%? 50%?

Google boomer1245 Feb 11

They do cursory reviews of the packet but the main thing they are trying to control is hot off the press hiring direction changes that c suite might be trying to implement. If it’s been 2 weeks there is a good chance that the head count is part of larger review or on hold.

Apple cereal bus Feb 11

There is not enough info. All this requires is a director approval, which means you’re not the first candidate

Apple cereal bus Feb 11

Hang on. Bro I would NOT take an ICT3 role in IS&T 😂😂😂😂

ufieofb OP Feb 11

Why not?

Apple cereal bus Feb 11

The org is notorious for being shit.

Apple PCNR03 Feb 11

My first interviewing process with Apple was a verbal offer but the official offer didn’t happen. So, I’d definitely take the other offers. The one thing Apple sucks at is recruiting.

Apple CTGj54 Feb 11

Usually takes about 2 weeks, I have seen referral going all the way up to VP.

Apple welltodo Feb 11

Needs SVP’s approval these days. Only backfills are allowed. Can take 1-2 weeks+ Good teams ideally will take approval first before going through interview loops

Apple DkeD73 Feb 11

This can happen, believe your recruiter. Why are you asking strangers.

Apple WsAa00 Feb 11

Don’t get desperate. Be calm.

ufieofb OP Feb 13

You’re right, it’s just a nerve wracking time for me. Really want this to work out