The ultimate guide to Happiness (Part-1)

TLDR: Eat good food, do meditation, happiness comes from within! It's a cold morning outside and here I am, sitting on my couch in a state of an unfathomable bliss, done with my 3hr yoga practices for the day. I guess I can sit like this for the whole day! I wanted to share how I transformed myself (still a long way to go) from being anxious & stressed all the time to being peaceful & blissed for most of the time! PHYSICAL LEVEL: 1. Chemical Dependency: Nature designed our bodies to be self-complete and ideally we do not need any external chemical to do so. So, move away from things like caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, weed etc. You'd need enormous will-power to say "no" the first time, but it gets easier after that! I used to depend on all of them at some point, but now I'm completely off them for 2years (except for Caffeine every couple of days, which is also going down gradually). 2. Food: This has been discussed to death across the internet already and instead, I'll recommend the below guidelines based on my experience. Avoid / make changes to foods that make you experience any of the following, after you take it: a. Thirsty: Implies too much salt. b. Bloated: Body unable to digest properly (such as milk products) / Eating too much fiber / Stale food. c. Burning sensation: Too much chilly / capsaicin. d. Lethargic: Very heavy food such as meat, complex carbs in high quantity etc. e. Feeling hungry sooner: Simple carbs that spike the blood sugar causes this (Ideally, you need to have energy for at least 4hours). My recommendation: Eat freshly prepared whole natural foods (not too much processing involved), fruits & veggies (for fiber and nutrients), dry fruits (natural fats) and protein (tofu, meat, peas etc.) Pro-tip: Don't consume water 30mins before your meal and at least 1hr after your meal. This helps the body to efficiently digest the food (as water will dilute your stomach acids) and extract all the energy. 3. Gut Health: Whatever goes in should reach the end of the gut in at most 4 hours (purely based on my experience). This means that gut should be fully emptied everyday. You can actually do Beetroot test and see the time difference between ingestion & red poop excretion to check your gut backlog! It should ideally be 8-12hrs. The longer it stays, the food gets decomposed and impacts your gut microbiome.! Pro-tip: As you wake up, drink a liter of water. This hydrates your gut & entire body. The remaining water puts pressure on the end of the gut, thus making it easier to poop, without the need of a coffee! 4. Exercise: I'd recommend doing exercises that make your spine muscles, tendons & ligaments stronger. There's no point in having strong biceps, triceps, glutes etc., if your are unable to sit straight without back support for more than 30mins. Having a strong spine will set your gait, sitting & standing posture. This makes the body's movements almost friction-less and you'll feel as if you are floating while walking! (There are deeper reasons which I'll explain in a different post) MENTAL LEVEL: This needs a post of its own, but at high-level, daily meditation helps calm your mind. If you strictly follow the rules on physical level, you'll also see changes at this level. SUBTLER LEVEL: This is where the yoga postures, pranayama and meditation come in. More on this later! Obligatory TC: 500k, YOE: 9 #mentalhealth #yoga

Google entei Mar 24

too long, didn’t read

Meta wGEs03 OP Mar 24

It's hard to summarize, but added a 1-liner at the top! 😁

Financial Service Company codingnow Mar 24

When is part 2 coming out and what are mental techniques to reduce stress and anxiety

Atlassian chigurrr Mar 24

Very nice post! Love it.

Uber au23803 Mar 24

I feel you, OP Started practicing Yoga in a class since August last year. Helped me recover from loss of a family members twice, issues at work including promo rejection twice and other kind of shit. 3 times a week keeps my brain calm and my core in shape. We are the ones who make us happy or unhappy. Cheers 🙏

Amazon FxBg62 Mar 24

Which exercises do you practice?

Deloitte coomii Mar 24

Not op, but I enrolled for inner engineering online and it fixed a lot of my mental and body stiffness issues

Amazon poppills Mar 24

Can u come live with me and help me?

TLDR. Just a note, truly happy people don’t give unsolicited advice. Might want to look into that.

Meta wGEs03 OP Mar 24

There's nothing in it for me. I wish everyone to realize that happiness comes from within! 🙏

Amazon FxBg62 Mar 24

OP, ignore fridaah.

eBay YBbr22 Mar 24

Didn't read. But how to be happy if I am making $320k and my friends make $450k?

Google kryo55 Mar 24

Make friends with those making 240k. Tell them you make 210k. They happy you happy.

Meta wGEs03 OP Mar 24

My friends' HH TC averages around 1.2M. That doesn't make me sad, as I understand that everyone is a hero in their own story. Money is only needed to conduct your survival process. Beyond that, it's your choice on whether you want your happiness to have an external dependency or not!

Meta xyz7890 Mar 24

Unfathomable bliss. Amazing, thanks for sharing. I will try to take inspiration. My mom tells me to drink two glasses of water when I get up, but been failing on that front. In general I don’t get enough water. Also I am only getting out of bed at 11am after having a 45 min pep talk/advice from my dad while half asleep. Kind of dread getting up because then I have to face the day and my anxieties and decisions which I am procrastinating on. Only positive thing this morning besides loving parents has been that I haven’t opened YouTube yet. YOE: 20

Amazon FxBg62 Mar 24

Liked the post. Few callouts: 1. The point about acid dilution is a myth. Check research papers. 2. +1 to gut health points. Eat whole skin legumes if you are struggling. 3. +1 to the point on spine strength. I love squatting heavier for my spine health than for my quads :) How do I get notified for the follow up posts? Could you please drop the links here in the comments for us to get notified?

Microsoft mssec Mar 24

I stopped at 3 hours yoga, dude yoga is fake as fuck.

Meta wGEs03 OP Mar 24

I was of the same opinion until I gave it a shot. Try it. If it doesn't work out, then you can leave it. 😊

Google lw83b Mar 24

Yoga is fake? Lmao. What's coming next? US is a fake country?