PoliticsJul 14, 2019

AOC for President?

Assume there’re no eligibility constrains. Assume the only competing candidate is Donald Trump. Would you vote Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for President of the United States?

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Aqgs27 Jul 14, 2019

She's not ideal but at least she'll actual try to solve real problems and dig into corruption. This isn't about left or right or whatever, corruption is the enemy of democracies period. She doesn't have big lobby group interests and all that. And she recognizes U.S. subsidizes the rich (we are kinda socialists for the rich), it's imbalanced. And I definitely don't want to go too far left as I'm a capitalist or should I say meritocracy at heart. We need a candidate who will fight for a strong, thriving middle class—which is key and a priority over catering too much to the rich or poor. I fucking hate how bipartisan politics has gotten, it's become toxic and we're losing ground to one party countries like China who can make long term plans and bets, if we don't solve this systemic threat, U.S. will make way for the rise of Asia superpowers over next 50+ years.

Alibaba Group gdruje Jul 14, 2019

And you think the socialist AOC can lead us to beat China? Are you nuts?

Alibaba Group gdruje Jul 14, 2019

Mind you that it's the capitalism that brought the strong middle class in the last century in the United States, not the socialist Soviet Union

Amazon FurRealz Jul 14, 2019

If Trump is the only competing candidate and you vote for him, you are a racist too. No questions anymore.

Microsoft baito Jul 14, 2019

Well the other choice is communist which unfortunately is no better. It’s a choice between two dumpster fires

Facebook Цукерберг Jul 14, 2019

So half of the US is racist, huh? How simple everything is in your world

Apple hcd49d Jul 14, 2019

Shes a communist, right?

Aqgs27 Jul 14, 2019

Cut this shit, I came from a communist country and she's no where near what communist is. Far right idiots like to label all liberals as communist loving ppl and it's so utterly pathetic that it kinda works because it tugs on the emotional strings and fears of ppl.

Microsoft DebordSI Jul 14, 2019

^^apple: You’re an idiot, right?

kdogg Jul 14, 2019


Microsoft TrumpWins Jul 14, 2019

“But in her district the survey conducted by Mobilize the Message for the opposition group found weak support for the congresswoman. The key findings: 42% are unfamiliar with AOC. 51% have an unfavorable view of her. 33% are ready to vote against her, and only 13% would vote for her.” https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/poll-aoc-unliked-untrusted-unwanted-in-her-own-ny-district

antisocialkid OP Jul 14, 2019

lol your ID says it all

Microsoft NotSatyaN Jul 14, 2019

Until she actually learns how the world really works, hell no. She comes across as a fucking simpleton. Just look at Pelosi's comments about her and the the other 3 freshman congress people

Alibaba Group gdruje Jul 14, 2019


Bloomberg 1337c4lyfe Jul 14, 2019

Remember when you were in college and you thought that you knew everything and that you were the bomb and it made you do stupid shit? Now imagine majoring in something ridiculous and useless like psychology, anthropology, or international relations instead of computer science. That’s AOC.

Aqgs27 Jul 15, 2019

Yes I do, I lead hundreds of ppl and worked as a manager right outta college. Age has nothing to do with it, it's about who's willing to learn, grow, listen, and LEAD. Merit matters not age. That why we have young CEOs who embody the American dream and fools like you who tell young ppl they can't accomplish anything until they learn the ropes and get experience. Totally not about innovation, shaking the status quo, and what democracy is about.

Alibaba Group gdruje Jul 15, 2019


Microsoft DebordSI Jul 14, 2019


Microsoft ☠️pixel Jul 14, 2019

Can’t believe there are people who would vote for her