AT&T interview for Principal position

I had 3 rounds of interviews with AT&T and my final round on Monday. I believe the interviews went pretty well. What is the turnaround time for decision, and how long before I should email them asking for the final update. I also emailed them yesterday with a thank you note and letting them know I look forward to hearing from them, though I haven't heard back anything since then, so a bit anxious. #interview #engineer #it #AT&T

AT&T JohnnyBrvo Oct 4, 2023

Recruiters are not stellar, and hiring managers will usually not respond if they don’t have an update, so I wouldn’t take a lack of reply as necessarily negative if they are working on getting the third interview locked in, maybe with an L4 or L5 depending on the team. If you have your Monday round locked already with an actual name of someone interviewing you then don’t worry about replies, focus on being polished and hitting the high points that got you this far. I’m one of many that would tell you to avoid this place if you have better options, but if this is something you want then best of success!

AT&T Bhil Oct 5, 2023

Be prepared to wait awhile. Sometimes they take a long time to get back to you. 2-4 weeks is not out of their norm. Good luck, hope you get the position. 👍

Lennox International QWnu51 OP Oct 10, 2023

Thank you, Bhil...any specifics as to what takes them that long to make a decision?