Capgemini zsdgyr2

AWS L6 vs GCP Sales Offer

I received offers from AWS and GCP sales. TC is similar - 310 for AWS and 325 for GCP. AWS has 60/40 base commision split and GCP is 40/60. GCP not sharing level. Need help in deciding. TC aside, which is better in terms of work culture, quota attainment, career growth, challenges? Anything else I should consider?

Cognizant DRFN62 Aug 6, 2020

Is your GCP offer for customer engineer? Aws is for SA?

Synechron hOpo34 Aug 7, 2020

Congratulations! Can you elaborate on AWS split? How many RSU’s

Amazon daPipstar Aug 8, 2020

What do you mean recruiter isn’t sharing level? This is the second time I have seen this with GCP recruiters. I wouldn’t take the google job until this is shared.

Capgemini zsdgyr2 OP Aug 8, 2020

Yes they don’t share it anymore.

Amazon daPipstar Aug 9, 2020

That’s nonsense and rules them out in my mind.

Microsoft kHnB06 Aug 8, 2020


Microsoft l4x8c2 Aug 22, 2020

Congrats! What is your background? Tips on landing these offers?

Capgemini zsdgyr2 OP Aug 23, 2020

Thanks! I have tech sales background- both hunting and farming. Apply through a referral. Resume: Given that you are at Microsoft, you should easily get through the resume and initial phone screen with recruiter. Cloud, SaaS sales exp will help. Greenfield will be a plus for GCP but it’s fine if you don’t have. If you are an industry or technology expert highlight that. For the final interviews - prep for behavioral and STAR. Google top 20 behavioral questions and write down your stories. Brush up your sales stories. GCP - read up on GCP. Practice 1-2 short case interviews for GCA. AWS- similar prep on cloud, news etc. No case interviews. Tie your answers to the LPs. Focus on the 14 LPs and prep 2 stories for each. Search for top 20 Amazon behavioral questions and add any Qs that weren’t in your earlier list. AWS will have 5-6 back to back so don’t use all your stories in the first round. Try to identify your bar raiser (typically from a different team) and save some good stories for them as well. Use different stories (few stories/answers can repeat).

Microsoft l4x8c2 Aug 24, 2020

This is so helpful, thank you! The issue I’m running into is my background, it’s all device sales, no cloud background. Makes it tough to get to a recruiter, zero luck thus far.

Google covidhate Aug 24, 2020

GCP getting lot of traction and you should easily exceed goals.

Google Django09 Jan 9, 2021

Easier said then done! All comes down to the territory. I have a greenfield territory with most accounts already in aws or azure, displacing that is hard!

Google g☁️ Jan 14, 2021

Greenfield is hard a f. Not undoable but not easy by any means.

Cognizant DRFN62 Aug 24, 2020

Thank you so much for sharing. Can you pls share some GCP - case examples?

Cisco zHaD44 Aug 24, 2020

You can probably get a bit more if you get a better competitive offer or they think you will walk but they must really want you

Amazon oDja13 Sep 1, 2020

I'd say AWS. Product is way ahead of GCP and getting further ahead. If you're in sales it'll be easier at AWS

Amazon oDja13 Sep 1, 2020

Interesting. I've not seen any data to support that. I've always wondered why GCP Is so far behind the others. If G actually focus on it it should do really well

Google g☁️ Jan 14, 2021

Product isn’t way ahead, it’s just ahead. GCP also has a few products that are better.

Google thegoogles Sep 1, 2020

Currently L6 at GCP. Pretty new, been here 8 weeks. Cloud is just starting to hit its stride and you have a ton of resources behind you to help out. We’re behind in the cloud race but we have fully acknowledged that / the mistakes from the past, and are going all in to try and fix it. In 3 years, we’ll either have gained a ton of market share and made loads of money or nothing will have changed and we’ll all have new jobs. I’m betting on the former (obviously). Take my opinion with a grain of salt as I’m still new, but I don’t view myself as a G fanboy or as someone who drinks the kool aid.

Amazon oDja13 Sep 1, 2020

I'm at AWS. Sounds like it'll be a good fun job for sure. Good luck with it. I'm always keeping an eye on GCP to see how it goes. Plenty of movement between AWS and GCP :)

UiwA58 Sep 24, 2020

@thegoogles can i DM you for some advice around L6 compensation?