AWS interview preparation phone call

This week I have a interview preparation call with recruitment team from AWS. Do you know what is that for? I have the final interview of the process scheduled in May and to be honest I don't understand the purpose of this call. Do you have any idea on what I should be ready to? Thank you!

Informatica rJHu03 Apr 20

The recruiter will help you understand what to expect in your interview. Is yours sde or frontend position?

Airbus Group Lisbo OP Apr 20

My position is for sde but in Europe

Amazon zhendjfbie Apr 20

They pretty much will give you details on each of the interviews and what to focus (both technical and behavioral part). It’s honestly the most useful call and I haven’t interviewed in any other company what gives same level of details

GoDaddy godcoderx Apr 20

They are just gonna tell you to write your LP and expect leetcode and system design. LP is unique to Amazon and is an exception - but generally to me prep calls are stupid because it's always the same interview format.