Accepted offer but not happy

Accepted offer from a company but after analyzing more thoroughly feel that I've made a not smart choice as I'm losing approximately 20$k because I have unvested stocks. The case is that I need to relocate and I felt that relocating will open new opportunities for me. But in terms of money it seems that I'm losing a lot for getting this job and place. What can I do?

Goldman Sachs baburao1 Nov 20, 2019

You can atry renegotiating,but always at the risk of offer being rescinded.did you not think of unvested stocks when you negotiated

VMware nibelung OP Nov 20, 2019

I just thought that relocation is much more valuable for career growth that's why I tried to ignore the loss. But now I feel like kind of a fool. I think that the timing was not right, etc.

Goldman Sachs baburao1 Nov 20, 2019

You wanted to move to Amsterdam?

Advisory mkjk Nov 20, 2019

You're second guessing yourself because it's a big decision. The offer is what it is at this point. If you initially thought there was a lot of growth opportunity in a location where you'll be happier long term in a job you'll like better, what's $20k over time? Do what makes you happy. Take that job.

Modis Ftmo03 Nov 22, 2019

Was the end goal more money or getting to Amsterdam? If Amsterdam don’t worry about the money.

VMware nibelung OP Nov 22, 2019

The idea was to work and get an experience in Europe and then go to other places or come back. I dont won't to move to Amsterdam for a long time.

Modis Ftmo03 Nov 22, 2019

Then the money should not be important. You were doing this to get a “European” experience that you cannot get here.