Tech IndustryAug 26, 2023

Achieving CEO-level mastery in communication.

Hi Fam, I've been steadily ascending the ladder and have come to realize the crucial role that effective communication and building connections play. Do you have any insights on how I can enhance my communication skills to the level of experts like Obama, top CEOs, celebrities, and writers? Any recommended websites or resources would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! #tech #google #microsoft #apple #meta #amazon #nvidia #atlassian #salesforce #uber #adobe #oracle #oci #L66 #L67 #L6 #L7 #faang #leetcode #swemanager #bloomberg #airbnb #netflix #maang #tech #ceo

abhi.tkr Aug 26, 2023

Practice Practice Practice. Rehearse Rehearse Rehearse. The only golden rule!

Adobe Udjedsct Aug 26, 2023

Learn improv / improvisation. There are a lot of improv books containing communication techniques. Start with the book Impro by Keith Johnstone and go from there.

Microsoft Dumbledor. OP Aug 27, 2023

Could you please give some pointers?