Adobe Document Cloud - Is it dying?

Is Document Cloud a dead org to be working for? It seems so far behind OpenAI and other startups. Adobe wants to do everything "ethically" with Generative AI, but does that make product execution slow and team morale weak? Is it losing a lot of talent to competition (internally or externally)? Any companies heavily hiring ex-Adobe AI talent? Any Adobe orgs worth switching to? How is the work life balance? What does manager politics look like amongst teams? Is there too much toxic positivity? Any personal experiences? #tech #adobe #DC #retention #faang

Vanguard bestello Feb 19

You should not be a software engineer

Amazon vp95 OP Feb 19

What's wrong with the questions?

Vanguard bestello Feb 19

The ethics comment, especially coming from someone who wants to build around AI

Adobe masarati_ Feb 19

Doc cloud is good for now, creative products should worry

Amazon vp95 OP Feb 19

Are re-orgs quite frequent and random? The team I interviewed with had just been moved 2 months ago to DC.

Adobe masarati_ Feb 19

No frequent, just like any other big tech