Tech IndustryJun 11, 2021

Airbnb L4 vs Snap L4 offer

Hi all, I got the numbers of snap L4 offer today. YOE: 3.25years Snap: base: 180k stock: 534k/3 years sign-on: 20k yearly bonus: 0~10% of base(low performer get 0%, otherwise 5% to 10%) TC: 373k(if 5% yearly bonus) I haven't got the numbers of Airbnb L4, but I found so called highest package of L4 from others' posts. Airbnb: base: 175k stock: 400k/4 years yearly bonus: 15% sign-on: 50k TC: 314k The RSU refresh policies are different. Snap: Same level always has same stock value, which means if you are L4 at the 4th year, the stock you take for the first 4 years will always be 178k. No cliff at 4th year, and no refresh for the first 3 years. Airbnb: L4 refresh 90k~180k(two exceeds will get 150k) L5 refresh 165k~330k The refreshed stock will be vested in the following 4 years(same as Google). I care both compensation and career growth. Career growth: Snap: I am afraid it's too hard to grow to L5 in Snap. L4 in Snap is like L4.5 to L5.5 in Google/Airbnb, and L5 in snap is like L5.5 to L6.5. It's always not easy to grow to L6, a lot of people just stay L5 forever. I am not confident that I can grow to L5 in Snap, even though I want to. Airbnb: According to my another post: From L4 to L5 in 1~1.5 years happened a lot, but average can be 2.5-3.5 years. If I can grow to L5 in 1~1.5 years, the package in Airbnb will beat the Snap package(but it's too ideal). I feel I can have more growth after reaching L5 in Airbnb. I met a lot of young engineering managers(entered airbnb 4 years ago as L4) during team match, but the engineering managers I met in snap were quite senior. Stock potential: Snap: I know the stock price of Snap is already high, but I saw some stock analysis videos on Youtube, and it seems snap has quite healthy business metrics and will continue growing. But I have no idea about the upside of Snap, one of my friends in snap told me they think Snap will go $80. Airbnb: Now it's $140 around, and it was $210 before. Along with recovering from covid, I feel Airbnb will benefit from it. The question is what's the true value of Airbnb. I am not clear why airbnb increased from $140 to $210 and went down to $140. Even if airbnb is $210 again, snap's package still beats airbnb's. As for teams, both teams sound great to me. They both take charge of an important backend component used in company wide. Considering career growth, TC and stock upside, which offer do you think better? Thanks in advance! #tech #airbnb #snap #offer #swe

How long does it take from L4 to L5 in Airbnb?
How long does it take from L4 to L5 in Airbnb?
172 Participants
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Airbnb jajajajaaa Jun 11, 2021

Join us. Like you mentioned, our refreshers are very good and the stock price is quite low now

Indeed prfsr Aug 5, 2021

L4 refresher from 90k to 180k, is the correct ? What is the average and How is the amount decided ?

Tinder horcrux7 Jun 11, 2021

Can you explain what this means. "Same level always has same stock value, which means if you are L4 at the 4th year, the stock you take for the first 4 years will always be 178k"

Google cakekiller OP Jun 11, 2021

For example, first year in Airbnb you will be granted 100k stock, and have 150k refresh, so second year you will be granted 100k+150k/4. However in snap, first year you will be granted 178k, second year will also be 178k, third year is also 178k. For the fourth year, if your level is still L4, your stock will also be 178k.

Tinder horcrux7 Jun 11, 2021

Aaah thanks. I was under assumption that when you join snap you will get stocks worth 178k*4. Then every month you will vest a certain amount of stocks and not certain amount of stock worth 178k/12.

Snap $snap$ Jun 12, 2021

Good analysis 🧐, Snap all employees get refreshers every year ( unless you are on Pip) that vests 2 years later. The good thing is if it increases in two years you get more money. But like other companies it doesn’t stack anymore. I guess you can take that as good or bad depending on if you expect the stock to go up or down. Also what’s the refreshers like at Airbnb?

Google cakekiller OP Jun 12, 2021

In Airbnb, L4 refresh 90k~180k(two exceeds will get 150k) L5 refresh 165k~330k The refreshed stock will be vested in the following 4 years. Assuming getting 150k refresh at first year, then first year will be vested 100k stock, second year 100k+150k/4. If second year gets 160k refresh, third year will be vested 100k+150k/4+160k/4

Yelp B.Obama Jun 12, 2021

Are you really saying non-stacking refreshers are good? I can't find a single reason that it benefits employees.

Google buqP33 Jun 12, 2021

I thought snap l4 is at least 400k?

Google cakekiller OP Jun 15, 2021

Nope, stocks are always same. Base is from 160K to 220K, the highest I saw was 195K with YOE 5.

Google buqP33 Jun 15, 2021

I guess levels.FYI isn’t always right

Airbnb leesa Jun 14, 2021

Come join!

Google cakekiller OP Jun 15, 2021

Reasons? I am tending to Snap now. Someone told me to choose snap this time, then two years later join Airbnb as L5. It sounds a perfect plan 😂

Airbnb leesa Jun 15, 2021

Very good value to come in. Culture, WLB is very good, and probably better grow internally 4 to 5 rather than job/level skip after 2 years. But also don’t know anyone who use Snapchat 😆

Google cakekiller OP Jun 16, 2021

True about culture. WLB at Airbnb should be better than Snap overall. The team I matched in Snap should have a better WLB than average in Snap, for the team has good diversity. Could you talk in details why growing internally is better than job/level skip after two years? I feel it just takes one cycle for on boarding, and there is no guarantee that I can go to L5 in two years in Airbnb, then jumping to Airbnb two years later as L5 seems even faster. This is my first time changing jobs, your opinion will be appreciated!

Airbnb leesa Jun 17, 2021

If your already thinking joining Airbnb 2 years later it make sense to join now I think. No guarantee you get L5 offer later and if 2 years you interview and get L5 you could just the same grown internally to L5 in that time. And valuation change. Hope it helps!

Google   Jun 15, 2021

How was the interview? I'm looking at interviewing that those 2 companies for the same level

Amazon knightPar Jul 6, 2021

Have you decided OP?

Indeed 1nd55d Jul 23, 2021

What was your decision OP ? Do you mind sharing Airbnb interview process ?