Airbnb phone hacker rank

I have a phone interview round of 45 minutes with airBnb. Has a hacker rank link. What to expect? LC medium/hard? OOD? I do not see that many questions tagged in leetcode #airbnb #interviews #hackerrank

Pinterest lowTCer May 3

Expect LC

ByteDance tikFucTok May 3

Do you know what difficulty to expect in first phone interview?

Indeed F34GlK1 OP May 3


Google s00nder May 3


Indeed F34GlK1 OP May 3


Bloomberg ((๐Ÿงฟ)) May 3

You have pigeons in your bank account sir

Indeed F34GlK1 OP May 3


Coupang jYet23 May 9

Hey did you give your interview yet. I have mine tomorrow..would you mind dm the question you got. Thanks and good luck

Indeed F34GlK1 OP May 9

I have mine tomorrow as well. Good luck to us. Yours is probably earlier than mine, so feel free to DM me the questions ๐Ÿ˜‚

ByteDance tikFucTok 5d

How was the interview ?