Tech IndustryFeb 17, 2018

All business jobs just seem like bullshit

So I've worked in both strategy and marketing for the past few years and I can't help but feel like all of these business jobs are incredibly boring, require little to no intelligence (or talent for that matter), and just seem overvalued in general. I work with a ton of M7 MBAs and I don't understand how they find this even remotely interesting. Even waiting tables and working in kitchens back in college was more stimulating than this nonsense. Sales would be the one exception where I get why they're valuable. Anyone else have these feelings?

Clovis Feb 17, 2018

I can imagine that sales and marketing inside IBM would be different than most companies. Most companies deal with the public market and have developed strategies based off of telemetry and iterative a b testing. IBM on the other hand has a history of getting the money the old-fashioned way ; government contracts and inside sales..

T-Mobile gk4l2s9 Feb 17, 2018

I can see your point.

LinkedIn eVjc31 Feb 17, 2018

I think you’re undervaluing the skill of competent managers.

Facebook public Feb 17, 2018


Google Castor Feb 17, 2018

Maybe leave IBM?

IBM DaEI86 OP Feb 18, 2018

I don't think it's IBM. I just think all these jobs seem this way. When I talk to my friends working in banking, consulting, etc. it's the same thing.

Google Castor Feb 18, 2018

FWIW my friends in those depts don't feel that way

Intel nononsense Feb 17, 2018


IBM IXwG12 Feb 18, 2018

I can relate. I spent almost 20 years working for sales in an architecture role - I was bored and felt most people didn’t have a clue. I have since moved into devops and I’m excited again. My suggestion would be for you to consider a career shift.