Tech IndustryFeb 16, 2021

Amazon Alexa AI Research Scientist

Hi everyone, Had a few questions about #amazon and the #alexa #ai group. Is Alexa AI a good team to join as a Research Scientist? What does upward mobility in the team look like and are there good opportunities to develop technical skills? How is the work life balance in the group? Is there a serious boundary between RS and AS, and do RSs get to work on building and deploying deep learning and machine learning models for language processing? Thanks in advance! TC: 190k

IBM At Google Feb 16, 2021

Working at Amazon is a pathway to many abilities... some considered to be... unnatural.

KPMG clkclkclk OP Feb 17, 2021

No one from Alexa willing to share some answers?

Google imake🥜s Feb 18, 2021

Really depends on which team within Alexa AI, it's a huge org spanning language understanding, dialogue, and more. There are some new ventures there, which may be more startup like and may have a longer leadtime to get that upward mobility. WLB can be as bad as you want it to be. If you respect your time, others will too. Questions around AS/RS responsibilities can be easily answered by your HM. Ask your recruiter to set up a call.

Amazon druty Mar 17, 2021

I've seen scientists make up results for systems that never worked. Manager was too dumb to understand this. Stay the fuck away from this shitty shitty organization