Amazon L6 AWS/AI

Can someone please guide me on what sort of system design questions are asked in the AWS AI team for an Amazon L6? Are the questions generic system design or are they more geared towards ML loads and scalability? Are there any good resources for studying about these questions? I am reading about general system design -> whatsapp, instagram, parking lot, databases, and so forth. I searched blind already but I didn't find anything relevant, specifically to the first part of the question. #tech #amazon #l6 TC: 250K

Amazon lDVY63 Feb 21

Are you an AI scientist, or you’ll be a SWE on sagemaker? If it’s the former I don’t know - but it’ll definitely be related to modeling and whatever work AI researchers do. If it’s SWE it’ll be your standard design questions and study up on LP’s

AMD oBpR35 OP Feb 21

SWE at sagemaker.

Amazon lDVY63 Feb 21

Yah study up on design and expect a SWE-esque interview. If we were interviewing for an actual ML/AI scientist role we’d need that sort of domain knowledge